Monday, November 27, 2023

Week Two

In conclusion to my meltdown.
"Chaos often fosters the greatest creativity.
Breakdowns often precede the greatest breakthroughs.
And when the pain is the greatest 
is often when we're on the brink of the greatest realization."

Today I thought I would take a mini-break from my course
to record some thoughts and feels on here.
This is week 2.  
We are learning about Primary foods and Secondary foods.
Interesting fact:
Secondary foods are the foods we eat.
So what are Primary foods?
This I did not know.
Primary foods are the parts of life that feed your body, mind, and spirit.
The things that nourish you off the plate.
This is going to be an interesting year.
Primary foods are just as, if not more important than Secondary foods.
As a matter of fact...they mention relationships being the most important.

Also included on the list of Primary foods along with Relationships is...
Physical Activity
Home Cooking
Home Environment
Social Life

These are all on the Circle of life which I'll share in my next post.

We all have an imbalance of some things that are pretty important to us. 
Imbalances cause stress. Stress wreaks havoc on everything.
At some point in life we have to say 
enough is enough.

I am super-excited and grateful to be on this new journey
with some of the top experts in their field.
I've reached the enough is enough line.
I'm ready to dig in, unearth, discover, and celebrate this new
chapter in life.



Saturday, November 25, 2023

Facing Reality

The last words written in my journal yesterday:
"Remind yourself often of what  matters to you and pursue that."
The first words in my journal this morning:
"It's time to know what really matters &
let the other crap fall where it may."

So, today my reality is this.
Going through the feels of....
Rejection. Confusion. Anger.
Bitterness. Resentment. Shame.
Frustration. Unworthiness. Disappointment.
Hurt. Discouragement. Regret. Sadness....
I've released way too many F-bombs.
Non-stop tears, journaling, isolation, prayers...
 and then as I was splashing cool water on my face...
I hear this song.
The lyrics were exactly what I needed to turn this 
s--t show around.
That's pretty much my day so far.
I want to tuck this memory away here. 
Reality is hitting me with a force today.

"Confusion is a normal state of being human and being imperfect.
The state of confusion is a necessary antecedent for change.
We do not change when we are sure of where we are.
We only change when we are uncomfortable, in pain & confused."

Eventually you will come to the conclusion that you 
cannot find what you need outside of yourself.


Monday, November 20, 2023

Spending Time

Good morning ! 
Over the weekend, I jotted down a few quotes
I wanted to share, and when I went to look for them...
they weren't to be found.
However, this little gem popped up, and I thought 
it would be a good one to share today.
It seems fitting after our weekend visiting
some of my hubby's friends, and classmates from Vet. school.
We were gathered at a memorial service after a sudden loss of one of their own.
It was very obvious that this man "Bud"
used his time wisely from all the wonderful stories told. 
He left quite an imprint on his community and beyond.
He left one on me.

' Imagine if you had a bank account that was magically
credited with $86,400.00 each and every morning.
There's just one catch.
It carries over no balance from one day to the next.
So at the end of the day, whatever balance is left over
is deleted. Disappears. Lost.
If you had a bank account like that,
what would you do?
Spend each and every dollar, each and every day... right?
You wouldn't want even a cent to go to waste if you could help it.
The thing is...
we all actually have a bank like this,
it's called time.
Every morning it credit's you with 86,400 seconds.
We all get a fresh set of 86,400 seconds to use
every single day.
But whatever we don't use each day,
we can't get it back.
There's no rollover till the next day.
There's no borrowing time, or saving deposits for a later day.
The time we have today, is the time we have today.
That is that.
But how we choose to spend our time,
how we choose to manage our time,
that's entirely up to us.
So why wouldn't you want to make the most of it?
Our time is valuable. It's precious in fact.
So don't waste the time you have here
doing things that aren't important to you.
Don't waste the time worrying about things you can't control.
Because you can never get that time back.
Manage that time wisely. 
Spend it on what really matters to you.
What makes a positive impact for you?
Savor it. Relish it.
And make the most of it today.'



Thursday, November 16, 2023

Week One

I have just returned from a walk around the lake,
which I finished up with a 15 minute meditation.
I have completed week one of my Health Coaching.
I can't even describe the experience other than to say
that, for once in my life I feel like I landed in the spot
I was intended to land.
I fit right in, and that is so exciting to me !

Some noteworthy thoughts that came up during my meditation:

*Living my life looking for outside approval,
will ultimately lead to my self-destruction.

*The hurtful things people say and do that hurt me,
 tells me more about them, than me.
The things I have said that hurts another
tells me what needs healing in me.


My closing assignment for this week, was to reflect and set an intention.
It will become my focus and help me to prioritize as I 
move forward.

6 ways to think about intention:
~ a mindset or a way of being
~ connects to a greater purpose
~ aligns with your authentic self
~ focuses on how you want to feel
~ is about the journey not the destination
~ provides a foundation for effective goals.

" A daily connection to an intention is key to reaching 
your goals." 

I am ready!
I have set my intention.
I've determined one that feels
most authentic and true to me.
I'm prepared for week #2.


" You have to leave the city of your comfort
and go into the city of the wilderness of your intuition.
You can't get there by bus, 
only by hard work and risk and by not quite
knowing what you're doing,
but what you'll discover will be wonderful.
What you'll discover will be yourself."

                                                         ~Alan Alda~ 



Thursday, November 9, 2023

Rooted & Grounded

It's been a minute since I've been on here...
so here's a little update.
Me and my kiddo returned home a couple of weeks ago
 from our AMAZING road trip
to visit family in Upstate NY .
There is no better place for me to go to
become rooted and grounded in myself,
and to remember who I am.
My family knows me like no other, and
their love is the most healing force there is.

Since I've been home, I've become more
intentional about doing things that are good for me,
and making choices accordingly.
Taking things day by day as they unfold.
Keeping my life simple.
My heart is more open, my mind is uncluttered.
I'm enjoying afternoon walks by the lake, and the pretty autumn weather
to sit on the porch with the cat and watch the leaves fall.
 I'm giddy with gratitude as I sit and type this.
Life feels good right now.
My coaching course starts Monday, and I can't help
feeling that I'm about to break out of  some sort of cocoon, 
as my greater yet-to be bursts forth.

" Choosing to change your focus is a powerful way 
of transforming a situation.
Focusing on the positive doesn't mean that you
are denying reality or avoiding what isn't working.
It simply allows you to work from a grounded place
in order to make the most informed decisions
from a less emotional place of clarity.
A shift in perspective changes everything.
When you're experiencing difficulties, try shifting your perspective
to positivity, and see what happens."

Thank you Brandon, Dad, Sue, Bonnie, Betsy, Amy, Lanny, Lynn,
Bobby, Rene, and Mom for getting me through all 
the wonky stages and changing my perspective in life.
I love you all so much!
Thank you for being my safe place to fall.



Thankful, Grateful, Blessed

I am heading back home today...  feeling like one of those little glow sticks that you snap, and then they're filled with light. I am so...