Thursday, December 8, 2022

Hygge and Cats

Good morning! 
Wow ! It's been a while ! 
That whole saying, " life speeds up the older we get" thing. 
Those are some serious words!
So as to try to slow time down a bit...I have been
focusing more on homey-hygge-bits.
Less noise and distraction, more calm and cozy.
Which takes me to my cat, Polly.
She is my little hygge side-kick.
And my new addiction.... the warm cozy scenes on You-tube.
I usually start my morning devotion and journaling in the dark,
and one morning rather than turn on the lamp... 
I decided to search for a peaceful scene on the TV for light...
which eventually led me to this peaceful (live-ish) scene (among others).
 Turns out it is just the right touch that was missing...
that I didn't know was missing. I am hooked.
I share them with my Mom...because, she's all about cozy-feels too...
and they remind me of her.

Now...back to cats. We have 3 now.
2 are still in the kitten stage...
and are not allowed to take over the house. Yet.
They are closely supervised as they
are still in training.

 Which leads me to a giggly thought.
The other day, my husbands great Nephew was here at the house.
My hubby asked if he would like to see the kittens
(he had seen them before we rescued them).
He said sure!
Well, I had them in the house at the time, and so 
we all gathered around the kits, who were being
quite mannerly, and purry.
  Nephew was commenting on how much better they looked,
when suddenly one of them (Gabby...our little girlie-girl)
made a quick B line to the litter box.
With that, I start to I do at times....
" Oh excuse me, I gotta poop, that roast I ate is going right through me."
Hubby looks at me laughing, and says to his nephew...
"Oh...she's narrating for the cat"
Then the nephew turns to me laughing with,
"Well, I was wondering...,
 I was just going to thank you for the play-by-play."
Then we all got tickled.
Lovin' the little things....

Today's quote:

"Hygge is an atmosphere,
a feeling,
a calm energy.
It's relishing in life's simple

Sending warm cozies your way!


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