Friday, July 15, 2022


Dear self,
I have a favor to ask of you.
Let go of the need to prove to everyone that you're OK,
and then, stop being so hard on yourself.
Just STOP!
You. Are. OK.
You are whole and complete right this minute as I write to you.
Sure there are times you have to grow, adapt, and change, but dang it! 
Give yourself a break.

Let go.
 Stop punishing yourself for everything
and everyone that has not worked out for you.
You have done all you know to do.
You have done your best.
You may have made some mistakes, 
but they have taught you along the way.
 You are just being human.
An extraordinary one!
Remember that. Just be you ! 
Be humble. Stay kind.
That's who you are. That's who you've always been.
I know that you want to receive validation and love from the external world.
That is human too my dear. 
However, you can't find your worth there.
You have  to remember to love yourself, 
and open your heart to receive God's love.
He loves you just the way you are.
And so do your people.
Believe in that.
Keep your eyes and heart on Him sweetie.
He can do all things.
Be gentle with yourself.
Everything is going to be OK.
Follow your heart.

I love you big!



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