
... to feel better.

"Watch the sunrise. Get outside. Connect with people who
light us up. Laugh. Meditate. Raise the value of all we
consume (food, drink, media & conversation)
Read. Move. Swim in the lake/river/ocean.
Breathwork. Help someone. Plant sunflowers. Forgive.
Do anything fun, creative or spontaneous. Learn.
Create healthy boundaries. Forgive ourselves. Dance.
Know that other people's negativity/fear is not ours.
Tidy-up. Not everyone will agree with us or like us, & that's ok.
Challenges bring learning - we don't grow when we're comfortable.
Cultivate less judgement compassion.
Focus on all that we are grateful for.
Remember we are far greater than we realize.
Trust Love. Look for the good & your people.
We've got this."




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