Monday, July 20, 2020


Those are the first words I wrote in my journal this morning.
It's been a theme for me lately.
I'm not a fan.
But it has peaked my interest.

This is a song that I have played over and over again lately.
It's just simple.  
Yet says it all.

I've made a few choices this week.  
Some were hard to make,
others were just changing things up a little.

side note* On June 17, 2011 I received Jesus Calling as a gift from my Pastor in NY.
"Pastor Bob" 
I started reading it every morning since.
I have added other devotionals, and books and switch things around. But Jesus Calling ?
Every. Single. Morning.
It's been 9 years!!
I can look back and see where I have been.
Best. Habit. Ever.

Change is usually always a little uncomfortable.  
Not changing is worse.

So I am looking through my Journal entries, trying to pick out a few things to share.
My intention was to get on here, and share a muffin recipe.
Did I mention that I am easily distracted ?
I'm just trying to do what comes naturally...
because it seems to work out better in the end.
I'll share the muffins on my next post.

Journal Entries:

The more we release to God, the better our lives become.

We cling to the very things that make us miserable & yet we are afraid to let go.
(fear, control, hurts the past...)

Your power level is dependent on the level that you surrender to Him.

We often make the mistake of being overly concerned with our circumstances
when our priority should be what is happening in our heart.

God is more interested in changing us than He is in changing our circumstances.

Learn To live one day at a time.

Meet each days challenges as they come.

Self-pity is a slimy, bottomless pit.

Break the mold & be bold.

Do not hide from the fear.

Bring your anxieties to God.

Trying to control the future is like trying to control the wind.

Surrender is not a "one & done" deal.

Surrender is a daily choice. We surrender right up until our very last breath.

Surrender has nothing to do with will power, & everything to do with surrendering to His Will.

" Today you have the power to let go and surrender from whatever it is that has you held
emotionally hostage; to really buy-in and give it all to God."

" You never have to be the victim of your feelings.  You can choose to look to God, listen,
learn, and move ahead."   ~ Charles Stanley

Sorry I got distracted, from the muffin recipe. 
They are pretty easy, and super-yummy.
It's turning into a weekly thing.
We usually gobble them up pretty fast.
side note* Brandon just stopped by, (working in town) and 4 muffins are gone.

Stay safe and be well !! 

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