Wednesday, July 29, 2020


Sometimes self-care means
          bowls of homemade frozen custard *yum*
binge-watching a season of Alone on Netflix
 with my hubs.

Very rare that I can find anything to keep me
entertained in front of the TV for long.
Till this!
I. Am. Hooked.

I hope you are safe and well.

Saturday, July 25, 2020


My love for muffins started when I stopped by and grabbed one from my favorite deli one afternoon.

I . Was. Hooked.

Best . Muffins. Ever!

When Covid hit, and the deli closed...
I started baking my own muffins.
A girls gotta do what a girls gotta do.
I told you I'd share my favorite muffin recipe.
So far this one has been a hit with family and friends.
They have just made life a little sweeter.

Raspberry Lemon Muffins:

1/2 cup plain yogurt
3 tablespoons vegetable oil
1 tablespoon of lemon juice
(I use 1/2 lemon...all the juice...and ...) *mine
2 egg whites
1/2 teaspoon lemon extract (optional) 
(I use a drop of lemon flavoring) *mine
1 1/2 cups all-purpose flour
3/4 cup white sugar
2 teaspoons baking powder
1/4 teaspoon salt
1 teaspoon of grated lemon zest
(...all the zest from 1/2 lemon) *mine
1 cup frozen raspberries
(we like more use 1 1/2-2 cups) *mine

Preheat oven 400 F.
Grease or line 12 cup muffin tin
Mix yogurt, lemon, egg white and lemon extract in a small bowl.
Mix flour, sugar, baking powder, salt and zest in a large bowl.
Mix yogurt mixture into flour mixture.
Gently stir in berries.
Sprinkle sugar on top of muffins (optional)
Bake 16-17 minutes.

(*side note: you can use other berries in place of raspberries)

I baked a batch today, while I was also attempting to make
frozen custard for the first time.
Cause...custard calls for egg yolks,
and the muffins call for egg whites.
So why not?
Did you know you can freeze egg whites?
I looked it up.
I think Covid is making me do weird things.
My girlfriend called me Martha Stewart this morning.

I didn't get the custard finished.
There are steps to follow...
and it is now ready to put in the ice-cream maker.
I'll let you know how it turns out. 

I hope you are having a good weekend!!
Stay safe and well !!

" To be happy at home is the ultimate result of all ambition."


Monday, July 20, 2020


Those are the first words I wrote in my journal this morning.
It's been a theme for me lately.
I'm not a fan.
But it has peaked my interest.

This is a song that I have played over and over again lately.
It's just simple.  
Yet says it all.

I've made a few choices this week.  
Some were hard to make,
others were just changing things up a little.

side note* On June 17, 2011 I received Jesus Calling as a gift from my Pastor in NY.
"Pastor Bob" 
I started reading it every morning since.
I have added other devotionals, and books and switch things around. But Jesus Calling ?
Every. Single. Morning.
It's been 9 years!!
I can look back and see where I have been.
Best. Habit. Ever.

Change is usually always a little uncomfortable.  
Not changing is worse.

So I am looking through my Journal entries, trying to pick out a few things to share.
My intention was to get on here, and share a muffin recipe.
Did I mention that I am easily distracted ?
I'm just trying to do what comes naturally...
because it seems to work out better in the end.
I'll share the muffins on my next post.

Journal Entries:

The more we release to God, the better our lives become.

We cling to the very things that make us miserable & yet we are afraid to let go.
(fear, control, hurts the past...)

Your power level is dependent on the level that you surrender to Him.

We often make the mistake of being overly concerned with our circumstances
when our priority should be what is happening in our heart.

God is more interested in changing us than He is in changing our circumstances.

Learn To live one day at a time.

Meet each days challenges as they come.

Self-pity is a slimy, bottomless pit.

Break the mold & be bold.

Do not hide from the fear.

Bring your anxieties to God.

Trying to control the future is like trying to control the wind.

Surrender is not a "one & done" deal.

Surrender is a daily choice. We surrender right up until our very last breath.

Surrender has nothing to do with will power, & everything to do with surrendering to His Will.

" Today you have the power to let go and surrender from whatever it is that has you held
emotionally hostage; to really buy-in and give it all to God."

" You never have to be the victim of your feelings.  You can choose to look to God, listen,
learn, and move ahead."   ~ Charles Stanley

Sorry I got distracted, from the muffin recipe. 
They are pretty easy, and super-yummy.
It's turning into a weekly thing.
We usually gobble them up pretty fast.
side note* Brandon just stopped by, (working in town) and 4 muffins are gone.

Stay safe and be well !! 

Saturday, July 11, 2020


My morning routine, started out in the usual way.
Grab my basket of books.
Porch. Coffee. Cat. 
And lately I've added...

So I've been feeling a bit lazy,
yet restless .
Bored, yet...content.
You know, like the devil on one shoulder....
the angel on the other?
Who do you listen to?
Mostly...I "think" I listen to the angel...
but truth be known, the devil gets his time in.
Just a little awakening on that this morning.
I'm trying to keep this I will try not to get too detailed.

Here is a quote from my prayer this morning:

" Father, I think I am in a good place. I feel almost totally surrendered.
Almost slug-like.  I don't think that is the mode we were working towards,
but I suppose it's better than having monkey-brain."

I have a hard time being still.
Bored? Then I start thinking things should change.
Become discontent.
Look for distraction.
Get a little hard on myself.
Maybe get a little resentful while I am at it.
Maybe blame others too? ...
Do you see what is happening here?
The struggle is real.
Yet...if I could climb out of my head, and look down on all of it.
It's a pretty freaking awesome life.
Which then...if I'm not careful...
adds guilt for not being more thankful...
maybe some shame...
and it continues.

So anyway....that is what I have been paying attention to lately.
Trying to be more aware of where my thoughts go...and why?
Usually means I'm listening to the wrong shoulder.

Journal entries:

Idolatry  (worship of idols) is the downfall of people.
(possessions, status, people, self-aggrandizement [promoting oneself as important]....)

When you seek God instead- you experience His Joy & Peace.
These intangibles quench your soul, providing deep satisfaction.

Sing praises to God when you are upset. (bored?)
and be delivered from destruction. (distraction, deception, discontent....)

Reject fear & dread at the onset.

A positive attitude can enable us to enjoy everything that we do.

Refuse to torment yourself.

God has given us power, love & sound minds. (2 Tim. 1:7)

You do not have to live in fear of anything.

" When you get off the yellow brick road and get lost 
or become entangled with those creepy, talking trees,
it's the normal, human thing to despair and become frustrated."

" That is the inner cry for more! 
It is something God put in us so that we would reach beyond ourselves,
look to Him for answers, and become better and greater."


So today....when a spirit of discontent comes over me...I will change my focus.
I will flick the little devil dude off my shoulder, 
I will be thankful...
and I will sing. have been warned!

Stay well and have a great day !!

Thursday, July 9, 2020


I have thought about in what direction to take this blog for some time.
I am not one to just sit down and write...
unless I am writing in my journal.
That is as natural as breathing most days.
I've done it most of my life.
My Grandmother kept a journal.
My Mom loves to write too.
I inherited the gene.
I write about my moments,
my growth,
my struggles,

I don't care to share my struggles in detail on my blog.
I don't feel like my struggles are any more significant 
than anybody else's.  We all have them. 
We also have the ability to choose what we do with them as well.
That is where I will share pieces and parts of my story.

I turn to my faith. Continually.
That has been what has kept me going.
It has healed me.
It has guided me.
It has comforted me.
It has been my steady in every storm.
[side note* some of the storms were just inside of me.]

Sure...we can look to others and point and blame them for our lives not working out
[it's way easier].
Or we can make a decision to look at our own faulty selves...
and work to become the best we can be.
We can choose to let go of things... forgive, and to love.
[ourselves included]

I have chosen the latter.
It's not easy.
It IS [for me] essential.
And at this stage of the game...
I can honestly say...
It IS the only way.
Everyone is different.
We all have different beliefs.
What works for me, may make you roll your eyes.
And...that's OK.
I think we share the belief that no matter what...
we're here to grow into the best version of ourselves.

So with all that said....
I have decided to share some of my journal entries, 
 quotes and moments [along with my usual random stuff ] with you.
I read a lot !! I journal daily.  
It has helped me in so many ways.

I wouldn't have done this without the encouragement of my dear friends,
and family who I have shared my journal with.
It has helped them with their struggles...
I hope it can help with yours too. once said I should have my own church.
Thank you for believing in me, and really seeing me.
You are my why.💗

Be the best you !!
It's a lifelong process.
Love and hugs!

Sunday, July 5, 2020


" he
did not
teach me
to love

but he
the bridge
helped me

~ I thank God every day for you~

I hope you are well.
Be safe.



This morning I woke up giddy. I'm in the fifth week of the Autoimmune Health Reset, & yesterday's homework was to fill out an in...