Saturday, August 24, 2024

My God Can

My heart and mind are bubbling up with an incredible
amount of gratitude, excitement, hope, and thoughts that
I cannot even begin to put into words.
I literally feel like my heart flung it's doors open this morning
during my prayer and meditation time. 
I was so emotional, I had to come in from my nook on the porch,
and seek solitude to process it.
It all started with my 5 AM walk, ( in hindsight, perhaps all week...)
when I felt something stirring within me.
I felt little mutants coming to the surface, and my gut and heart were a little fluttery.
I took note to reflect on them during prayer.

I can't find the words really....or maybe I have too many?
I think this song pretty much says it all.

I looked back and found some notes I wrote at the beginning of the week,
(after some course activities)
 just scribbled on a tiny notebook I keep for 
lists and to do's.
It was a little wordy....
but the last part seems to summarize in a nutshell
what I am having difficulty verbalizing today.

'Healing needs trust, and we may not be healed
in the way we had hoped to be.
However we are healed in the way we need to be.
Trust that you will be OK, even if today looks different
than it did before.
Let healing flow through your body.
When you refuse to deal with a problem God has pinpointed,
your basically telling Him your right and He's wrong.
You will be tethered to the obstacles that have held you back,
down, and in the darkness of your own fears, doubts,
and insecurities.'

"Each morning we are born again.
What we do today is what matters most."


Thursday, August 22, 2024

Little Moments

We had a small shower, and then out peeked the sun.
I headed out to search for the rainbow.
She pointed me in the right direction.
One was forming, and then came two.
I called her, and she joined me.
Another rain shower came,
and we stood there and soaked it all in.

" Three things in life - your health,
your mission, and the people you love.
That's it."

"Life does not have to be perfect to be wonderful."
~Annette Funicello~



Wednesday, August 14, 2024

I Hope

To see life with beauty and compassion,
one of our most valuable tools is perspective.
It can change everything, if we choose to let it.

"You get to choose how you see your life.
So I hope you choose serendipity.
I hope that when something beautiful happens,
you take it as a confirmation,
and when something hard happens,
you take it as a moment to rest and heal.
I hope you choose to put together the pieces.
I hope you seek understanding.
I hope you find wells of Joy that may spring up through the day.
I hope you feel connection where others see separation.
I hope you know that a thousand failures are the 
building blocks of your becoming.
I hope you're not dissuaded by the dead ends.
I hope you know that they are not final destinations.
I hope you know that it is the courage yo keep beginning,
that ultimately gets us all where we are meant to be."



Tuesday, August 13, 2024

Love, God

 It may sound a little woo-woo
but not as much as it feels woo-woo
I have felt some monumental shifts in the last
few months as I continue to learn, grow, and practice being my own
  client during this coaching program.

 I truly feel about as balanced and centered as 
I have ever felt.
I have been working hard,
taking the required steps, and
following what is in my heart.
I am only 10 weeks away from completion.
Many internal shifts,
as well as external shifts have been taken place.
I'm still waiting for my heartrate to slow.
It's been quite a ride.
I'm quite giddy.

My body, mind, emotions, and spirit have all
seemed to land on the same page together.
I feel aligned.

*deep breath*
This is something new to me...
and I am savoring it.

Surrendering to this process has been both humbling and enlightening.
The course was truly a godsend.

I'm excited!

Today, I am learning how to identifying my purpose.

"Something that rips you out of bed every morning, and 
puts a smile on your face."
"... the things that make you forget to sleep ,
and forget to poop."
(that's not recommended....but you get the idea)
What is something meaningful to you each day, 
that's not just about checking the boxes?
What puts you in the flow?

Journaling is meaningful to me.  I've done it for as long as I can remember.
 I inherited that gene from both sides...
 my Gram on my Dad's side, and from my Mama.

My first client walked in last week, 
and guess what?
She brought her journal along.
I think I let out a squeal.
What a happy sight.

Journaling keeps me on course with my Spirit, 
and helps me get through the day.
This morning my journaling took a new twist.
It randomly goes through changes of it's own.
Today it became more of a love letter from God.
It read like this:

Dear Robin,
Learn to enjoy life more. Relax.
Walk through the day with childlike delight.
Trust in Me, and savor every blessing.
Only when you know who you are will you 
find the faith you need to get you where you are going.
There is always room for improvement,
and where you are is an opportunity.
What you learn at any given moment will assist,
and guide you on a path to where you desire to be.
Presenting your total being completely to Me is never easy.
There is nothing more challenging in life than that.
It is a continuous offering of surrender.
Not a one time only deal.
You will always be tempted to take back control.
When you fail, do not despair or run from Me.
Renew your commitment to Me.
Set your will on allowing Me to work in your mind, 
heart, and life.
Rise up and give Me everything you are,
and hope to be.

Love, YHWH God


(*side note: in order as written in my journal, from several different sources as read.)

Thursday, August 1, 2024

July Journal

We celebrated our ninth wedding anniversary.
Together for 13.
Brandon and his friends celebrated his Dad's birthday
out on the lake. They witnessed one of their friends drown.
Our hearts are heavy.
This week Brandon listed his house, so he can buy one 
and get settled in with his best friend/girlfriend three hours away.
I passed my 3rd. test at IIN, and am cleared to
start coaching.
 My first client comes Wednesday.
Hubby is doing well, and has been back to work.
It is his happy place.

Some writings and quotes from my journal this month:

"There will be times in your life when your hands are tied,
your mouth is shut, your mind is blank, & you feel totally
helpless. These are God jobs."

"There is nothing more challenging than sitting through a God job"

Healing is a detox process. Things come up that 
need to be released.

Sometimes, falling apart- getting it all out-
is how we get put back together.

God will reveal areas of our heart that He wants to heal.

God can only take from us what we are willing to give Him.
What we've looked at.

"You can only be where you are, & it is up to you to make the best of it.
You cannot get to where you are going until you have learned
all there is to learn about where you are."

"You are capable of much more than you think possible."


"Sometimes the most infinitesimal unexpected change can shift everything"

" The reason you may have missed the lessons to be learned,
or refused the gifts being offered right where you are,
is you are preoccupied with where you want to be."

"Ever' thing there is but lovin' leaves a rust on yo' soul."
~Langston Hughes~

" Do not look at where you fell, but where you slipped."

"Serenity isn't the freedom from the storms of life.
It's the calm in the middle of the storm that gets me through.
It's up to me to try to keep this calm,
even when the storm gets worse."

"Fear prevents you from showing us in your greatest capacity."

Fear thrives where trust is lacking.

Everyone deserves the right to be who they truly are.
Including you.

"The only thing that defines our journey is not how others treat us,
 but how we respond to others.
How someone treats you is their journey.
How you respond is your journey."

I can love others and not forfeit love & respect to myself.

"Self-pity is a slimy bottomless pit."

Stop trying to figure everything out!

Respect what you need & trust your intuition.

Wherever you are, be there totally.

" When you let others expectations drive you,
you scatter your energy to the winds."

"Find the spirit that you share in common.
Then you will have a resource for strength
rather than a target for negative thinking"

In demanding attention from someone else,
you are giving away pieces of yourself that are too valuable to lose.

Ease up on yourself. Let go. Stop trying so hard.

"The time you enjoy wasting is not wasted time."

" be on pause is a good thing. Everything has to stop
at some point in order to keep going.
Unless you pause, you may not know if you are
fast forwarding or going in reverse."

Stop. Refuel. Reset.

My pain is my pain.
It is the result of what I am telling myself about myself & others,
about situations or circumstances.

I have the power to move through all things 
I would rather not remember.

I  make a commitment to honor everything about me.

"Allow your each-ness to shine in the all-ness of life."

Do not be afraid to be different from other people.

"What you do, how you do it, and when you do it affects 
every person in front of you and every person  coming behind you."

"That which leads us away from love is never our friend, never
true self-care, and never from God."

"Each time you say I can't, you dim your inner light.
Each time you are able to acknowledge, accept and embrace the truth
about yourself, your light becomes a little brighter.
Turn on the power of your light by remembering who you are."

When you believe you can, you can!

"It takes time to get self-love into the core of us."

When you get flustered and frazzled with yourself, 
do not get upset. You are only human.

"This is life, not a funeral service. Have fun.
Enter it. Take risks. Be spontaneous.
Don't always worry about doing the appropriate thing.
Do not worry about what others think or say.
Do not worry about making a mistake.
Enjoy the gift of being alive.
Be who you are! Free yourself, let yourself go
and enter a full life. Begin enjoying life."

"We often have what we really want and need, or sometimes better.
Letting go is part of what we do to get it."

God is in every tomorrow.




This morning I woke up giddy. I'm in the fifth week of the Autoimmune Health Reset, & yesterday's homework was to fill out an in...