Tuesday, January 30, 2024

Journal Dump

Focus on being happy today.
Sometimes it's as simple as taking 
a break from the sameness of everyday life
& braving the elements to have a few special moments with your kiddo.

This month is passing quickly.  
I feel like I've lost control of it.
Before it slips away....
here's my...

January Journal Dump:

" Don't let recent disappointments and failures
define you or dampen your expectations."

" This is the time to make a fresh start."

" You are in exactly the right place. It may be heartbreaking,
but sit tight. Se still. Don't fight it. Experience it. Let go. 
Rock on!"

" Treat yourself as you desire the entire universe 
to respond to you."

" Clear intention about what I desire to experience within myself
& clear definition of what I must do to make it happen."

" Trying to prove something to someone is NEVER
a valid reason to do anything."

" It is vital to keep your joy alive!"

"If you keep focusing on the things that are wrong,
you will become increasingly discouraged-
& your strength will be sapped."

" Voice your gratitude." 

" You are an original work of beauty, light,
love, joy & bliss."

"Genuine faith means realizing God wants to provide 
His very best for you & will not let you miss it as
you walk with Him."

" A man sees in the world
what he carries in his heart.  ~Goethe~

" When you are joyful, this changes the way 
you view the world around you."

" I am making the better person I want to be."

" Let one bad moment be one bad moment.
Don't carry it with you.
Don't miss the good moments,
there could be some sweet ones."

" There is no limit to what I can accomplish"

"Time is a trainer"

" Your external world is an accurate 
reflection of your inner state of being."

" Do not give into joyless living by 
letting worries about the present or the future weigh 
you down."

" Continue to nourish your dreams.
Hold fast to your vision & do something 
every day to bring it into manifestation."

" Fill up the spare moments of life with
praise and thanksgiving."

" Write a new story that begins where you are right now."

" Live in harmony with the flow of life."

" Now is the time. Where  you are is the place.
Who you are is deserving."

" Laughter heals."

" When you succumb to worry, you open
a pandora's box of terrifying pictures,
paranoid voices and relentless self-criticism.
Nothing useful can be accomplished."

" Focus on this very moment, the sights and sounds
around you, all the pieces of the here and now."

" You unconsciously create experiences that match
what you believe about yourself and others."

" Relinquish control & doubt."

"Let it go!"

" I have everything I need within me to create
everything I want out there."

" Detach when you sense a situation is dangerous to
your physical, mental, or spiritual well being.
Put distance between yourself & the situation.
Make choices to take care of yourself."

"Stubborn self-reliance wipes out the guidance
& comfort available from God."

" Obsessive worrying raids my willingness to accept
& enjoy life as it is."

" When I've done all I can do,
I cannot regret what I did not do."

" This day is a precious unrepeatable gift."

" Resist your tendency to search for the easiest route
through the day."

" Live in the sense of awe at the infinite
possibilities that are right within
you, and all around you."

" Only you can do the job of being you.
Your highest function is simply to be the person
you are capable of being-
your calling will emerge."

" A loving thought opens doors-
an unloving thought closes
a door."

" Gratitude generates enthusiasm."

" Tension is who think you should be.
Relaxation is who you are."

" It's the negative experiences that influence how
you view yourself far more profoundly
than the positive ones do."

" When you are appreciative,
you get more to appreciate."

" I can re-create what I believe."

" Don't waste energy regretting the way
things are or thinking about what
might have been."

" All the love your heart can hold,
all the success you are meant to
experience is already within you."

" Open the flood gates of your heart & pour out
a blessing of love into your own life."

" Do not limit the future by the past.
The more you hate something, the more bound
you are to it. The more you love something,
the more free you are."

" Spiritual blessings come wrapped in trials."

" The situations you face can build you up or tear 
you down. The good news is-
you have a choice in the matter.
Invite God, or permit the problem to control you."

" Just take the next step."

" Life can be a journey or a struggle.
A paradise or a  prison.
A calm sea or a turbulent ocean.
It's all up to you.
Life will accommodate whatever you 
choose, exactly the way you choose."

" At the center of every problem,
the answer is present."


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