Tuesday, January 30, 2024

Journal Dump

Focus on being happy today.
Sometimes it's as simple as taking 
a break from the sameness of everyday life
& braving the elements to have a few special moments with your kiddo.

This month is passing quickly.  
I feel like I've lost control of it.
Before it slips away....
here's my...

January Journal Dump:

" Don't let recent disappointments and failures
define you or dampen your expectations."

" This is the time to make a fresh start."

" You are in exactly the right place. It may be heartbreaking,
but sit tight. Se still. Don't fight it. Experience it. Let go. 
Rock on!"

" Treat yourself as you desire the entire universe 
to respond to you."

" Clear intention about what I desire to experience within myself
& clear definition of what I must do to make it happen."

" Trying to prove something to someone is NEVER
a valid reason to do anything."

" It is vital to keep your joy alive!"

"If you keep focusing on the things that are wrong,
you will become increasingly discouraged-
& your strength will be sapped."

" Voice your gratitude." 

" You are an original work of beauty, light,
love, joy & bliss."

"Genuine faith means realizing God wants to provide 
His very best for you & will not let you miss it as
you walk with Him."

" A man sees in the world
what he carries in his heart.  ~Goethe~

" When you are joyful, this changes the way 
you view the world around you."

" I am making the better person I want to be."

" Let one bad moment be one bad moment.
Don't carry it with you.
Don't miss the good moments,
there could be some sweet ones."

" There is no limit to what I can accomplish"

"Time is a trainer"

" Your external world is an accurate 
reflection of your inner state of being."

" Do not give into joyless living by 
letting worries about the present or the future weigh 
you down."

" Continue to nourish your dreams.
Hold fast to your vision & do something 
every day to bring it into manifestation."

" Fill up the spare moments of life with
praise and thanksgiving."

" Write a new story that begins where you are right now."

" Live in harmony with the flow of life."

" Now is the time. Where  you are is the place.
Who you are is deserving."

" Laughter heals."

" When you succumb to worry, you open
a pandora's box of terrifying pictures,
paranoid voices and relentless self-criticism.
Nothing useful can be accomplished."

" Focus on this very moment, the sights and sounds
around you, all the pieces of the here and now."

" You unconsciously create experiences that match
what you believe about yourself and others."

" Relinquish control & doubt."

"Let it go!"

" I have everything I need within me to create
everything I want out there."

" Detach when you sense a situation is dangerous to
your physical, mental, or spiritual well being.
Put distance between yourself & the situation.
Make choices to take care of yourself."

"Stubborn self-reliance wipes out the guidance
& comfort available from God."

" Obsessive worrying raids my willingness to accept
& enjoy life as it is."

" When I've done all I can do,
I cannot regret what I did not do."

" This day is a precious unrepeatable gift."

" Resist your tendency to search for the easiest route
through the day."

" Live in the sense of awe at the infinite
possibilities that are right within
you, and all around you."

" Only you can do the job of being you.
Your highest function is simply to be the person
you are capable of being-
your calling will emerge."

" A loving thought opens doors-
an unloving thought closes
a door."

" Gratitude generates enthusiasm."

" Tension is who think you should be.
Relaxation is who you are."

" It's the negative experiences that influence how
you view yourself far more profoundly
than the positive ones do."

" When you are appreciative,
you get more to appreciate."

" I can re-create what I believe."

" Don't waste energy regretting the way
things are or thinking about what
might have been."

" All the love your heart can hold,
all the success you are meant to
experience is already within you."

" Open the flood gates of your heart & pour out
a blessing of love into your own life."

" Do not limit the future by the past.
The more you hate something, the more bound
you are to it. The more you love something,
the more free you are."

" Spiritual blessings come wrapped in trials."

" The situations you face can build you up or tear 
you down. The good news is-
you have a choice in the matter.
Invite God, or permit the problem to control you."

" Just take the next step."

" Life can be a journey or a struggle.
A paradise or a  prison.
A calm sea or a turbulent ocean.
It's all up to you.
Life will accommodate whatever you 
choose, exactly the way you choose."

" At the center of every problem,
the answer is present."


Friday, January 19, 2024

Our Week

The temperatures plummet, the winds rise,
hubby is getting stronger,
and I am on the mend from the flu.
We tuck in and rest,
cozy and comforted.


Saturday, January 13, 2024

Anxious Heart

Twinkle lights, heated blankets, and all day in our P.J's.
Hubby's recovery isn't fun, but it's nice to have him home.
Favorite song for today...


Thursday, January 11, 2024

Today's Thoughts

I thought I would come home and rest after spending a day
and a half in the hospital with hubby.
He has had his knee replacement surgery.
It was a mess. Surgery went well. 
He is not doing so well.
Getting ready to head back early this morning.
Didn't sleep much better at home, 
although it was nice to be home for a bit.
I'll head back as soon as it tuns light.
(not a fan of driving in the dark).
I thought I'd share a slice of yesterday.

I was on the verge of an meltdown around 10 AM.
Not much sleep. Confined. No privacy.
*hospital setting*
I only had a brief minute to meditate or pray in-between
distractions. I tried. I just wasn't connecting.
That was when I felt the tears well up...the self- pity thoughts
rising to the surface, and the emotions taking over.
Hubby started getting sick about the same time.
I was doing all I could...
running for barf bags and nurses, and cold rags...
then I knew, I just had to take a moment away.
I was rapidly going down.
With hubby's blessing, I took my journal and devotionals,
and headed for the park.
It's like home away from home for me,
and it was right down the street.
I've spent many hours feeding the geese, walking with friends,
and watching Brandon grow up there. I even hung out there with Dad 
once during a visit.
When I arrived, I felt an instant calm.
It was a gorgeous morning so I rolled down my window.
The geese were sleeping, and I was semi-relieved
considering I didn't have anything to offer them to eat.
I sat and wrote in my journal, read...and prayed.
I was thankful and grateful for the fresh air, the sunshine, and
having some time to sit and fuel up with God's words.
Peace and serenity were setting in.
Slightly hungry and 1/2 nauseous myself,
 I started munching on some mixed nuts packed in a tote I keep in my car.
I noticed a squirrel outside my window forging around,
so I started digging out the hazel nuts,
(not my favorite)
and flicking them outside of the window. 
Noticing this...the little critter would come, grab and munch.
This continued.
Walnuts and almonds were being added.
Squirrel friends were joining in the celebration.
They decided I could be trusted, 
and sat waiting outside my door.

During this time....I was still present with my reading & devotionals,
writing my thoughts in my journal,
 and giving thanks as the moments passed.
I was grateful.

It had only been a half an hour since I was just about to unravel,
a here I was sitting in a state of bliss.
This is why my routine has always been an essential.

Words I read while sitting in my car...

" Don't miss your prayer and meditation time."

"Affirm your trust in Me."

" Focus on this very moment, the sights & sounds around you,
all pieces of the here and now."
(that's when I noticed the squirrel...just for the record)

" When you are tempted to worry about tomorrows concerns, 
gently return to me."
(note: that is what started the melt-down to begin with.)

" You are powerless by yourself to stop the emotional binges 
once they gain momentum."...
(been there done that...knew it was coming...had to go...)
..." Reunite with Me and peace and serenity begin to seep back
into your mind and heart."

" Make yourself available, and I can do for you
what you cannot do for yourself."
(truth. I could have easily had gone down the rabbit hole...)

" Beware of overthinking things and obsessing about them."

" Seek to live in the present moment where my Presence
awaits you continually."

"Refresh yourself in My nearness,
letting My love soak into your innermost being."

"Relax with Me, putting aside problems so you
can be attentive to Me and receive more of My love."

" I want the very best for you."
(it couldn't have been better)

This morning I woke up...with the words
" I will perfect all that concerns you."
flowing through my head.
I am holding onto that along with the full cup
of coffee and a full heart from time well spent back 
in my morning routine.

Be well.


Monday, January 8, 2024

Slow Down

Calm the nervous system.

I have been pretty health conscious since my thirties.
It is truly something I have been passionate about.
From childhood trauma to menopause, 
 health and healing has been important to me.
Spiritual, mental, emotional, and physical.
I did not realize until recently how much
all of those areas are affected greatly by stress and
an overactive nervous system.
It's the why in "why is this not working for me?"
Our bodies can't heal, when our nervous system is all wonky.
This is so important!
It will be a game changer for me.
This week I have been focusing on deliberate breath work.
Taking mini breath breaks.
Try it.
Take a slow deep breath in through your nose...
and release slowly through your mouth.
When done releasing...release just a little more...
and a little more.
Then breathe in a big fresh breath, and repeat.

You can do it anywhere, and anytime.
Healing happens...
one step and one breath at a time.


" Stay in the moment. The practice of staying present will heal you.
Obsessing about how the future will turn out creates anxiety.
Replaying broken scenarios from the past causes anger and sadness.
Stay here in this moment."

(...and remember to breathe.)


Friday, January 5, 2024

Heart of God

I'm at my Mom's, sitting in my cozy little space with
Nahnah (her cat) by my side, 
his feet plopped on my journal.
  A gentle snow is falling outside my window,
the birds land on the ledge outside looking in...
and the neighbors black lab is walking by to see if there
is a treat waiting for him on the porch. 
Mom will put one out, but she hasn't yet.
He walks by again and heads towards home. 
My phone buzzes. I have a text from a friend.
She sends me her favorite song.
  I met her through the course.
 We have talked a lot on the phone,
 but have not met.
We have so much in common.
She lives 7 hours away.

I am feeling very grateful for a peaceful morning,
 & these simple moments.


Wednesday, January 3, 2024

Outlook... Good

I'm excited, fueled, and ready to see what life 
has in store for me this year.
I have sat and pondered what I want to experience,
and what I must do to make it happen.

I am being more intentional.
It took an in-depth look at where I am,
and a clear decision about the direction I want to travel.
I have my list of daily actions to take
for positive change.
I set my intention for the day, and look to my list
to keep me on course. I think it's good to have a plan
(kind of like having a map)
so when I feel a little lost...I have something to refer to,
to get me back on course.
I'm am definitely a list girl.
 If I don't have a list, a focal point or a plan 
of some sort, I am easily influenced and distracted
by whatever comes my way.
(like the dog in the movie "Up" *squirrel* )
Intentions keep me from chasing the squirrel.

My confession and my lesson... is:
I'm not happy with how I've handled things in the past.
I have allowed hurt feelings to keep me from loving 
the heck out of the people I love. 
In turn, I have hurt them.
(which is NEVER my intention.)
The reality of that all came to a head last year.
I was holding onto hurt, more than I was allowing in love.
I understand that now. 
As I have said before, "you don't know, until you know."
That's life. 
The whole live and learn game.

Maybe we aren't loved the way we want to be loved...
or how we expect to be loved....
but love is always present if we open our hearts to it.

Don't worry that by opening your heart life will get turned upside down.
What if the other side is better than the side your used to?
What if we all opened up to trust life and love a little bit more?
Take life one day at a time.
Embrace the changes.

It could be a gift.



Monday, January 1, 2024

Left Behind

Happy New Year peeps!!

I have been doing a little reflecting this morning
 on the year we just left behind. 
I feel a deep sense of gratitude for all the little things in life.
 I feel a great appreciation for all the lessons I learned.

" One day it will be so clear-
what you thought was the end,
was really just the beginning.
Some doors are hidden until we
are ready to open them."




This morning I woke up giddy. I'm in the fifth week of the Autoimmune Health Reset, & yesterday's homework was to fill out an in...