Sunday, April 30, 2023

Herd Stuff

Hubby needed some help separating the calves from the cows, 
and working our herd yesterday.
He told me  "I might let you go help me today."
( which I've learned is his way of asking) 
"d I was quite honored that he "let me", 
and I was happy to go along.
My job was to record the cows information and drive them up the chute.
It was a dusty, poopy, dirty job
however, I was born for this!
 I really enjoy farm work, and being around the cows.
It took us all afternoon, and the day was perfect for it.

As it turned out, on our way home 
we had to make a quick trip to the market.
Donning a variety of splashes and aroma's only
a farmgirl can be proud of, I decided I'd try to sneak in,
grab the goods, and go.
I got to the check out, and was encircled by the cashiers.
Curious about my appearance, one of them asked what 
I've been "up to"?
Feeling a wee bit self-conscious now I answered,
"I've been working cows today." 
One of them smiled, turning to the others and said,
"Can you believe she's this cute even after she's been working cows??" 

To be honest, I'm still kinda riding a weird ego high.

" I don't believe makeup and the right hairstyle alone can
make a woman beautiful. The most radiant woman in the 
room is the one full of life experiences."
~Sharon Stone~



Saturday, April 29, 2023

Look Again

There are challenges and difficult chapters in life.
Sometimes you need to take time to gather your
resources, readjust and try again.

If you find it difficult to see your way forward,
don't give up, look again.
There are resources that live within you.
Always look again.

" Looking back won't move you forward.
Let the past go.
Move on with the grace and wisdom that you've learned 
from every yesterday.
Forgive yourself everything.
You can't change what didn't happen or shift what did.
Instead, live in this moment,
 and look for all the beautiful possibility that today is filled with."



Wednesday, April 26, 2023

Blowing Things

You can do something a million times,
but you can only see or do it for
the first time once.

Today I learned how to use the blower,
and my life just got a little easier.



Saturday, April 22, 2023

Live Fully

"As cliche as this may sound, you can do what you love.
Doing what you love is a choice and commitment to yourself,
with no excuses permitted.

Spend time losing yourself in what you enjoy.
If you want to paint, paint.  If you want to write, write.
If you enjoy losing yourself in a novel, then read a book.
If you want to walk barefoot in the grass, do that.
Schedule it in if you must; set aside a few minutes daily
or one day a week-whenever you can.

Just don't allow a lifetime to pass
 before you commit to doing things you truly enjoy.

All the small moments add up and become the life you live.
So, don't trudge through the moments,
but turn them into the steps 
in the magnificent dance that is your life."



Thursday, April 13, 2023

Things that Fill

We all get so busy with our problems and so
preoccupied with the many things that are missing 
from our lives that we sometimes forget
to be grateful and appreciate the wonderful
things we have.

We have the ability every day to either pay attention
to the things that feed us, or the things that drain us.
What are some of the things that boost you up,
and recharge you?
What are some of the things that drain you and
leave you zapped?

We all have the ability to choose and prioritize 
what we make space for.

Embrace the pleasures of the day to day living.
Search for the good 
the beautiful
the love in everything life sends your way.
Work as hard at paying attention to the things that bring you joy,
as you did on paying attention to the things that made you miserable.
Shift the balance a little every day.

Get creative.

" A life of hope and optimism may sometimes disappoint,
but of all lives that disappoint,
it is the one I would choose."



Monday, April 10, 2023

New and Improving

" Never stop learning, 
because life never stops teaching."

It is about the most perfect Spring morning.
I am sitting at my kitchen table, door flung open,
the mockingbird belting out variable tunes,
and the sunshine streaming in to meet me.

I am sitting here reflecting.
Lately I've been in rediscovery mode.
Is it a mid-life crisis?
At times it has certainly felt like a crisis.
However, I choose to call it....enlightenment.
Thing is...I suspect I've been going through it most of my adult life!
The good news is....I was teachable.
I searched for & found helpful guides.
I paid attention.
I learned a lot.
(am still...and always....)

Sometimes I want to share everything on here...
and sometimes I feel I want to go back and delete everything I've shared.
I won't. I can't. It is part of my process.

Today I felt like sharing. 
Because there is sense of newness this Spring.
I feel it in a big way.

I've done the hard things.
Dug deep in the dirt.
(literally and emotionally)
After hitting some skeletal remains and some scary bits
along the way....
I see growth,
and I am excited!

With that I will share a few quotes I read today, out of a wonderful book 
my friend Moe gifted me, and I have gifted to others.

The Language of Letting Go Journal
by Melanie Beattie

" Our happiness is not a present someone else holds in his or her hands."

"In those moments when we are trying to reach out and force someone to stop our pain
and create our joy, if we find the courage to stop flailing about and instead
stand still and deal with our issues,
we will find happiness."

"We will heal from the past. We will receive insights that can change
the course of our relationships."

"We will see that, all along, our happiness and our well-being
have been in our hands."

"God help me remember that I hold the key to my own happiness.
Give me the courage to stand still and deal with my own feelings.
Give me the insights I need to improve my relationships.
Help me stop doing the codependent dance and start doing the dance of discovery."

Much love,

" Forget the former things: do not dwell on the past.
See, I am doing a new thing!
Now it springs up;
do you not perceive it ?"

Isaiah 43:19


Thankful, Grateful, Blessed

I am heading back home today...  feeling like one of those little glow sticks that you snap, and then they're filled with light. I am so...