Saturday, February 25, 2023

Set the Sails

"Sometime in your life you will go on a journey.
It will be the longest journey you have ever taken.
It is the journey to find yourself."

It's been an incredible eye-opening month for me.

I have discovered a lot about myself in the last two years,
 it has been filled with beautiful-cringy-hard-thrilling-moments.
Lately I feel I have gone full circle.
I will continue to trust, surrender, and take one day at a time.
Life is truly is worth savoring each and every moment.
Even the cringy ones.

Currently I am....(not now...but you, this month.)

Reading: (always reading more than one book at a time, but super excited about my new one.)
 Idiot's Guide to Ayurveda
(This is ONE of my full circle moments, as I was interested in Ayurveda when I was younger,
it is what got me interested in going to Massage School.)

Playing: with my cat Polly and my pony tail elastics. I fling them...
she runs to pounce, throws them around, &
 waits for me to come get it. Repeat. Repeat. Repeat.

Watching: Call the Midwife (series on Netflix)
Thrive Tutorial on Ayurvedic Practices (series on Gaia)
Mom (on Hulu)
Kilo a Kilo (Hulu)

Listening to: Oldies WZCR out of Hudson NY
(reminds me of home...and Dad)
The 4:8 Principle on Audible (It's one I repeat often)
Peak Mind (Audible)
Most of the time....(when I'm not in the car)
I like to listen to the moments...
 the birds on the feeder (outside my window)
 flicking seeds and chirping,
 the chimes in the breeze,
Polly's silent purr,
the cows munching on hay....(on the farm)
the jet flying overhead,
the sound of my own breath.

Working on: Learning Swedish. It is my 371st. day today
Being more present and focused.
Learning more about Ayurveda from my teacher, friend & spiritual mentor.
(SECOND full circle moment. She was my teacher over 20 years ago in Massage School.
We were reconnected through a mutual friend recently....neither of us aware our paths had already
crossed before...until we met.)
She is working toward her certification in Ayurvedic coaching,
and I am working toward being more balanced and centered.
It's a win, win.

Eating: Too many carbs.  I'm faltering on my eating habits.
Not bad, but wobbly.  
Pasta, bread, and my homemade muffins have been a few of the culprits.
I'm all about treating myself....but lately, it's been a little out of control.

Wanting: More personal connection and laughter.

Needing: Positivity, creativity and fun.

Loving: Where I am right now, and being able to look back and see
that I am in a much better place mentally, and emotionally then I was last year
at this time.

Thinking: I should be getting out of my PJ's and gathering my stuff to
go to the farm with Hubs.

Feeling: Satisfied to do what is in my heart, and to not worry so much about the rest.

Celebrating: all that I have.

Grateful for: pretty much everything today. 
An old friend and I reconnecting through letter writing.
(THIRD full circle moment. We've never met in person, but we met through
a Mom's website when we both were pregnant with our firsts.
She lived in Ireland then. We sent letters for years. 
Then life got busy.
We decided to pick up where we left off.
So I sent her a letter this week.
She lives in the States now.
Not far from my Dad. 💞"

" A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step,
as does the journey of a single step.
If the challenges of life waited for you to be ready for them,
they wouldn't, of course, be called challenges."



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February 10, 2025

' Imagine how it would be if the things you love, were the reason for your existence. Think about how your life might change if you were...