Saturday, April 30, 2022


I have been focusing on happiness and things that
are important to me this month.
I want to change the course of my life.
 So I have been looking for ways to make that happen.
I just want to be the best person I can be.
Don't we all ?
I am now thinking that has been my mission in life.
It's something I have always been seeking and striving for.
Maybe at a fault. I have definitely been hard on myself.
With some reflection and good counsel this last year,
I realize how much I have focused on the externals
and validation from others to find my self-worth.
All of my life.
Validation is great...but we have to like who we are without it. Just sayin'.
As the old Kenny Rogers song goes:
"Looking for love in all the wrong places..."
or as my version would go:
"Looking for worth in all the wrong places."
It has been great learning more about myself, and unearthing some things.
 Pretty much a wonderful and quite painful experience.
But as "they" say:  pain = wisdom.
I'd say "amen!"

Here are a few tid-bits I tucked away in my journal this month:

" Circumstances do not determine who you are, your worth,
or your future, you're responsible for all that."

" Who you are and what you represent is purpose enough."

" Overcome people pleasing. Please yourself before anyone else."

" It's up to me to call myself out on my own BS."

"Do little things outside of your comfort zone."

" Don't look at the whole mountain, just take a step."

" Let go or get dragged"

" Take all the power you give to fear and hand it over to hope instead."

" Looking back won't move you forward. Let the past go.
Move on with the grace & wisdom you learned from every yesterday.
Forgive yourself everything. 
You can't change what didn't happen or shift what did."

" Disappointments are inevitable, but discouragement is a choice."

And this quote on Happiness:

" Happiness occurs when you forget who you're expected to be.
And what you're expected to do.
Happiness is an accident of self-acceptance.
It's the warm breeze you feel when you open the door to who you are."
~the comfort book~

Some other things that are making me happy:
Afternoon thunderstorms 
girlfriend time
fox cubs are coming out, I've counted 3 so far
The Orioles are back, and the hummingbirds, and I saw a Grosbeak this morning.
Today was day 72 of learning Swedish, and I still love it !!!
" Jag har en katt och en hund."
I have a cat and a dog. 
( I actually have 2 cats...but haven't learned numbers yet)
Jag alskar katten och hunden."
I love the cat and the dog.
( I love all my animals)
Swedish sweets that I have been making.
getting a book in the mail from a sweet friend.
wild flowers coming up.
Fika day 
having a good laugh with my girlfriend
little unexpected gifts from the heart.

something my friend said...(quoting St. Nicholas)
" be good
 goodness sake"



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