Saturday, April 30, 2022


I have been focusing on happiness and things that
are important to me this month.
I want to change the course of my life.
 So I have been looking for ways to make that happen.
I just want to be the best person I can be.
Don't we all ?
I am now thinking that has been my mission in life.
It's something I have always been seeking and striving for.
Maybe at a fault. I have definitely been hard on myself.
With some reflection and good counsel this last year,
I realize how much I have focused on the externals
and validation from others to find my self-worth.
All of my life.
Validation is great...but we have to like who we are without it. Just sayin'.
As the old Kenny Rogers song goes:
"Looking for love in all the wrong places..."
or as my version would go:
"Looking for worth in all the wrong places."
It has been great learning more about myself, and unearthing some things.
 Pretty much a wonderful and quite painful experience.
But as "they" say:  pain = wisdom.
I'd say "amen!"

Here are a few tid-bits I tucked away in my journal this month:

" Circumstances do not determine who you are, your worth,
or your future, you're responsible for all that."

" Who you are and what you represent is purpose enough."

" Overcome people pleasing. Please yourself before anyone else."

" It's up to me to call myself out on my own BS."

"Do little things outside of your comfort zone."

" Don't look at the whole mountain, just take a step."

" Let go or get dragged"

" Take all the power you give to fear and hand it over to hope instead."

" Looking back won't move you forward. Let the past go.
Move on with the grace & wisdom you learned from every yesterday.
Forgive yourself everything. 
You can't change what didn't happen or shift what did."

" Disappointments are inevitable, but discouragement is a choice."

And this quote on Happiness:

" Happiness occurs when you forget who you're expected to be.
And what you're expected to do.
Happiness is an accident of self-acceptance.
It's the warm breeze you feel when you open the door to who you are."
~the comfort book~

Some other things that are making me happy:
Afternoon thunderstorms 
girlfriend time
fox cubs are coming out, I've counted 3 so far
The Orioles are back, and the hummingbirds, and I saw a Grosbeak this morning.
Today was day 72 of learning Swedish, and I still love it !!!
" Jag har en katt och en hund."
I have a cat and a dog. 
( I actually have 2 cats...but haven't learned numbers yet)
Jag alskar katten och hunden."
I love the cat and the dog.
( I love all my animals)
Swedish sweets that I have been making.
getting a book in the mail from a sweet friend.
wild flowers coming up.
Fika day 
having a good laugh with my girlfriend
little unexpected gifts from the heart.

something my friend said...(quoting St. Nicholas)
" be good
 goodness sake"



Wednesday, April 13, 2022


"The only way we can ever hope to change 
is if we give up on the change and just embrace ourselves.
We are good enough just as we are."

" Where you are is okay.  The pain you're feeling?
The lack, that desperation to have it all line up,
the desire to change, the relationship that drives you up a wall?
You'll survive it.
You don't need to do anything more 
and you don't need to push harder
because the fact is, you've done enough.

The first step in getting anywhere is safety.
Respect yourself, respect your process.
Walk gently on sacred ground."

" You can stop needing to be anything but what you are.
Even if what you are is codependent and has low
self-worth, that's okay.
That was you taking the path you needed to take then.
You are okay.
All of you, including your mistakes."

Be gentle. 
love yourself through your challenges.

"Safety is being completely okay with being completely yourself.
As soon as you respect all of who you are, you are safe,
allowing healing to happen.
Healing fills  up the space you create 
when you don't pull against what is."

~the boundary is you~

side note: I am still learning (55 days today) Swedish on Duolingo.
Jag alskar vin, kaffe, te  och vatten.
(I love wine, coffee, tea and water.)
It has been a fun thing for me.

My kiddo just celebrated....and is still celebrating his 27th birthday.

I have been trying new Swedish recipes and using my sister-friend 
and husband as guinea pigs.
I've also been making them sugar free.

I think I spotted Zinnia's coming up in the back yard.  Yay!!

 " Without a Paddle" on Netflix made me laugh so hard I cried.
especially the bear scene.

" The Adam Project"  and " Rescued by Ruby" on Netflix were also good,
if you like the more feel goody stuff, like I do.




This morning I woke up giddy. I'm in the fifth week of the Autoimmune Health Reset, & yesterday's homework was to fill out an in...