Sunday, August 22, 2021


Going through some sermon notes
that I jotted down.
Extracting some words so
that I can toss the pages laying here and there.


What do you want to be filled with...
what the world is doing?
Or the Holy Spirit? Word.

There is what you say & what they see.
People do what they see.

Sometimes you have to do something you've never seen before.

You are who God says you are. Not what people, or the world 
says about you.  What the word says about you.

That which you copy is that which you become.
That which you believe is that which you become.

Some of the things in you have to be uprooted
before God's words can be planted.

When imitating the world...consider the outcome.

Is the way of life you're choosing, producing
the outcome you desire ?
If you keep doing what you're doing...
where is it going?

" Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed
by the renewal of your mind so that you may
prove [for yourselves] what is good
and acceptable and perfect will of God..." Romans 12:2

Conformity you can change.
Transformation has to happen because of what is on the inside of you.
What's in you has to come out.

What example do you want to set?
How do you want to feel at the end of the day?
What are your values?

Stop copying crazy!

You copy what you saw, and don't even realize it.
You can break it.
You have permission to break a bad pattern.

You're a good person. You just have some bad patterns.

Don't tell yourself lies.
Limitations are lies that you saw. (don't copy that)

We go back to what we saw, what we copied in our heart.

Let go of faulty stories holding you back.
The lies you tell yourself.

Release the wrong voices & receive the word of God.

It's not to late to break the pattern.

What God put in you is greater.
You haven't even seen the blueprint of the true you.

We have control over our response to any circumstance.

Anxiety is contagious.

Self- compassion is contagious.
Grab ahold of your own well being and we'll be better for others.

When we want change,
most times what we really want is someone else to change.

Change is hard. We have to give up what we know
& jump into uncertainty.

Some of the stuff we want to write on someone else
is ours.

Address your own habits.

Don't be so hard on yourself.  We are all human.
We all have a story. You don't know their story.

If you love deeply your going to struggle.
It's the price of admission.

Get  your priorities straight.

" I don't really need to put my energy toward....?"

to name just a few....
proving myself
social media
being responsible for others
the past...



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