Monday, August 31, 2020


"Be yourself. Everyone else is already taken."
What choice do we have anyway?
Yet...I feel like I have spent my life
trying to blend, bend, stretch, mold,
and play the game the way I thought it was supposed to be played.
Don't ruffle feathers.
Please others.
I have not been 100% me.
I hate that truth.
We don't know, until we know.
We have to be willing to dig deep for that.
I am a good digger!
I know I am following the right voice,
the voice of truth.
He loves me.
I feel it now.

In my morning "Jesus time" I read something that sent me rushing 
to the computer to post it here.
Some words from Bob Goff:

" We want to experience love, so we strive to have relationships
 that will let us feel loved and accepted. 
We want purpose in our lives,
so we'll join or identify with social groups
and issues and begin defining ourselves this way.
We want connection, so we buy what it takes
 to wear the uniform of the social groups we want to fit in with.
Most of all, what all of us want are those few
authentic relationships-and we'll trade who we really are
for who we think we need to be."

Wanting to belong.
Wanting to be a part.
Fit in.
Fearing the rejection.

" The fact is, we're God's most creative act.
If God wanted you to be like other people,
He would've made us all the same."

" Be yourself and let others be themselves-
because that's the starting point of God's love.
God has never looked in your mirror
and wished He saw someone else."

I. Love. That!

" We were created in His image, 
with all the wonderful variety that includes.
God made some of us sensitive and others analytical,
some slender, and some burly,
some soft-spoken, and some rambunctious."

 " When He saw his creation, He said it was good,
and there were no exceptions."

I pray that every day we know and feel that we are loved.
That today we discover something wonderful about our individuality,
and embrace it.

Times are wonky right now.
Be strong. Stay well.  Hold onto hope.
Believe in yourself.


Monday, August 24, 2020


I unearthed loose notes that were
crumpled into drawers, held in place on a clip board,
stuck in pages of books or tucked into a folder.
I thought since I was focusing on simplifying my life,
why not share them on my blog, and clean out some clutter?
Couldn't think of a good reason not to.
More than I love a good note...
I love a good memory, so I am tucking in a
 few of those too.
My life lately.

My Notes:
(from the clipboard)
* Life is zooming past us. Live in contentment.
* Laugh more.
* Dance more.
* Get messy.
* Do things that make you feel good
right here. Right now.
* You can come as you are.
* Be kind:
actions you do
thoughts you think
things you say

* Let your intuition be your guide.
* Just adding some beauty to the world is enough.
*Don't be afraid to leave the past behind.
* Choose to listen and believe the voice of truth.
* Let things be imperfect.
* Be in the moment not escaping.

* Stop. Reflect. Check in.
* Be aware of toxic people, news, junk food, talk of others...
* Don't settle for status quo because it's "safe".
* When you don't know who you are- you run from yourself &
let other people show you who you are.  God does not see us that way.
*What God says- not what I see.  Leave it alone.

* Let go of the need for certainty.
*God always moves on the other side of faith.
* When God brings us out of something, he does not let us choose our escape route.
" He will provide the way."

* Step out of your head & into your heart.
* Take healthy risks. Do something that scares you.
* Eliminate negativity & clutter.
* Don't look back. A momentary glance can be motivating,
but a constant gaze can be paralyzing.
Our destiny is not locked in our past.
* Life is too short to live stuck.
* I used to think I had to please everyone.
Now I know it's an audience of one.

I hope you are happy, safe and well !


Sunday, August 9, 2020


Sharing a few of my favorite things this week.

Song :

" The way we approach our lives makes all the difference 
in the quality of life we have.  When we can't fix life, remember 
that we can fix our approach toward it."


Lunch downtown with Brandon.

An early morning walk in the rain.

Laying on blankets and pillows thrown on the floor to watch 
The Willoughbys with Price.

Racing to catch the sunset at Teresa's farm.

Talking to my Dad on the phone.

The full moon dancing with the clouds outside my window.

Journal entries:

Refuse to let worry or fear become central in your thoughts.

Understanding will never bring you peace.
Trust in God and not your understanding.

Believe God can change you and your life.

A hopeful mind & attitude administer peace & joy,
while fear and discouragement steal both.

Be thankful and love your life.

I hope you have a great week!
Stay safe and well.


Saturday, August 1, 2020


 "Remember this truth:
now matters more than any other time in your life ,
because it's what you are doing today that 
is determining who you're becoming,
and who you're becoming will always determine
the quality and direction of your life." 

This weekend I unearthed some tid-bits of myself
thrown in a file of random notes, saved cards and other what-nots.
It was fun to look back on what I was thinking and doing back in the day.
I have my journals for that too.
But they get kind of deep.
I want to keep track of some of the little things too.
So I am going to start this month of with some tid-bits. 

Currently I am...:

Reading:  The Giver of Stars by Jojo Moyes

Watching: Season 3 of Alone on Hulu

Highlighting:  "We all screw up- often.
Keep moving ahead. We need to keep our eyes on Jesus
 rather than caring how we look to everyone else. 
If we keep it about Jesus, 
He promised we'd come to know more about Him
 while figuring out a few more things about ourselves."

Loving:  Boom Chicka Pop sweet and salty Kettle Corn

Hating: The News

Discovering:  that I am not up in my head as much as I used to be

Enjoying:  A cool breezy morning with all the windows open

Thinking:  This weather reminds me of being back home (NY)
I hope the guy comes and picks up the treadmill today

Hoping for: My sister-in-laws appointment to go well at the cardiologist.

Listening to:  The birds outside, the breeze blowing, the slight hum of the ceiling fan

Smelling: fresh air & slight whiff of my hand soap

Thanking:  hubby for always looking to wave before you drive off to work.

I hope you are happy and safe.
Be well !


This morning I woke up giddy. I'm in the fifth week of the Autoimmune Health Reset, & yesterday's homework was to fill out an in...