Thursday, February 23, 2017


" If your forever was ending tomorrow,
would this be how you'd want to have spend it ?
Listen, the truth is, nothing is guaranteed.
You know that more than anybody.
So don't be afraid. Be alive. "

All this glorious weather has been nothing short of blissful.
I have been doing more of the things that add to my life...
and less time doing things that don't.
Sometimes you just need to set aside
all your "to-do's"
and go enjoy yourself.

a clean enough house
my girlfriends laugh
second day pot roast
feeling good
Finding Dory on Netflix
" I love you very much " texts
chalk art
sunshine, breeze and 80's today
when Oliver steals paper out of my bag..*num *num
sitting in a tree
my sister-in-law's place in the country
that FB let me experience a relative I never had the chance to meet.
[we planned to meet this Summer... sadly he passed away yesterday.]
Grateful we connected with Doug Arnholter... He was a nice guy and a talented artist.*sigh

Do what you enjoy.
Try something new.
Step out of your comfort zone.
Enjoy relationships.
Experience life !
Play !


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