Tuesday, January 31, 2017


"Take care of your body.
It's the only place you have to live."

My new eating routine.  
I looked in the mirror...[I mean...really looked] a couple of weeks ago.
I stifled a scream.
I was away at a conference with my hubby.
I wanted to blame the lighting...the mirrors...in the hotel. You know.
I made up my mind that second, that I was going to do something about it !
Barnes and Noble was across the street.
I spent all day [while hubby was in conference]
searching for "The Plan ".
Found it !
It's pretty much how I eat anyway...only more often.
And less.
And none of my sugary treats...or meat...or some of my other favorites.
It's only 2 weeks. I know I can do it .
I am actually super excited.
I started today.
Sometimes just knowing your taking care of yourself
 makes you feel tons better. Instantly .

being excited
a fantastic day to be outside
knowing I will feel better about myself
 pre-tweaking my eating habits a week prior...and already seeing a change.
an easy plan to follow
nothing artificial
clean and healthy foods
trying new smoothie recipes
healthy shake recipes :)
mirrors :)


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