Friday, January 6, 2017


Yeah....this is what I see first thing in the morning.
They hear me getting my coffee...
and come running to the door.
I recently joined a group, that prompts a picture a day for 30 days.
The prompt was...your favorite view right now.
This was it.
It's my favorite every morning.
Well...along with my hubby's face...
but he wasn't home at the time. 

So far, this year has been perfect.
Cold weather, has been a big plus !
It's kept me I can get caught up with myself.
It's given me time to think back on things I learned last year...and to get a direction on where I want to go this year.
I have learned [in life] not to "plan" too much....because things don't always turn out the way you planned,
or the way you think they should.
Things seem to go a little easier...if you just do your best...
and not worry so much about the "hows" and "whys" all the time.
Or as the saying goes...
 " Do your best, and let God do the rest." 
Easier said than done.
Things go wrong, that don't always get fixed...
or are never the way they were before.
Some things break...and stay broken.
And we can get stuck... and frustrated,
 'cause we try to figure everything out.
It's basically just a waste of time.
And exhausting.

I HAVE learned, that you CAN get through the rough, confusing....and the hardest of times, 
and continue to hope for better ones, 
as long as you have people that love you.
And a Father in Heaven that loves you so much more.
So this year I just want to live each day with hope and zest...
and just try to do and be my very best ! :)

that hubby and I are competing to shed a few pounds
eliminating some of my lesser spend more time on the ones that matter most
having too many loves
reading books together with my guy
dinner dates with Brandon
cold... stay-in-my-sweats.. with a stack of books and hot-tea- days
being blessed with a man who loves me. truly.
my peeps....they know how to love *big
photo prompts
daisys on the table
Oliver's love for banana peels...and the "NOM NOM" sounds when he eats them
When he tries to run and jump like he did as a little kid....and was a little more bendy...but he's a *big boy now.
[I can relate]
Still so dang cute.


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