Sunday, November 17, 2024

November 17, 2024

I'm on an integrative pause.
 Keeping things simple and light.


A poem for today.

"Right it on your heart that every day is the best day
in the year.
He is rich who owns the day,
 and no one owns the day who allows it to be invaded with 
fret and anxiety.
Finish every day and be done with it.
You have done what you could.
Some blunders and absurdities no doubt crept in.
Forget them as soon as you can.
Tomorrow is a new day.
Begin it well and serenely,
 with too high a spirit to be
cumbered with your old nonsense.
This new day is too dear with it's hopes and invitations,
to waste a moment on the yesterdays."

~Ralph Waldo Emmerson~

 Journal notes:

Get quiet and listen.

Sit still. Listen. Heal.

View choices through the lenses of health and balance.

Let others touch your mind and heart.

My focus creates my reality.

Breathe in gratitude.

Feed & support my own happiness.

Be easy and gentle with myself.

Practice mindfulness.

Each focused step brings me closer to my goals.

Spend time in nature.

Be in a state of grace.

This morning I am grateful for:

My first cup of coffee when it's still dark outside.

A simple string of yarn, and a cat.

A hug from my kiddo.

Grand-dog visits.

Hubby fixing bacon.

Charles Stanley sermons.


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