Saturday, November 30, 2024

November 30, 2024

Things are unfolding exactly in the way they should,
at the rate and timing they need. 
I am learning to relax from the endless pushing,
and relax into a calm curiosity about where
the flow might go.
Rather than try to plan, I'm going to trust the process.
I need to remind myself continually to 
practice "Keep it Simple".
I am getting better at it.

Thanksgiving moment with Price

I got a nudge this morning, to read a book that my nephew recommended
quite a ways back.  
I reached out to see if he still thought it would be a good read for me.
He recommended "Chase The Lion"
by Mark Batterson instead.
"He speaks to people like us."
he added.
He wasn't wrong.
It had me at hello.

" The Lion Chaser's Manifesto"

"Quit living as if the purpose of life 
is to arrive safely at death.
Run to the roar.
Set God-sized goals.
Pursue God-given passions.
Go after a dream that is destined to fail
without divine intervention.
Stop pointing out problems.
Become part of the solution.
Stop repeating the past.
Start creating the future.
Face your fears.
Fight for your dreams.
Grab opportunity by the mane
and don't let go!
Live like today is the first day
and the last day of your life.
Burn sinful bridges.
Blaze new trails.
Live for the applause of nail-scarred hands.
Don't let what's wrong with you 
keep you from worshipping what's right 
with God.
Dare to fail.
Dare to be different.
Quit holding out. Quit holding back.
Quit running away.

Chase the lion."

Thank you Brent.
You always guide me on the right path.



Wednesday, November 20, 2024

November 20, 2024

Two things I'm pondering this morning:
"The future doesn't really exist."
"You don't have to believe every thought you think."
Which pretty much sums up my whole pondering experience.

Barrington Tunnel

Maybe it's just me, but isn't that mostly what we think about?
The more mindful I become, the less I want to think.
At least about the future.

Notes for today:

Spend more time in the present

Live more fully in the now

Something new is awaiting to enter your life.
Let it be.

Take responsibility for yourself &
give God permission to supply your wants and needs.

When you want something, write it down, affirm it, pray about it,
let it go. Give it to God and see what happens.

" Let life happen to you. Life is in the right, always."

be well,


Tuesday, November 19, 2024

November 19, 2024

I an not for sure...
but yesterday I decided to have a mug of
organic coffee, made with Chaga mushrooms,
and Lion's mane, and the next thing I know,
it's 8 hours later, and
the living room I've spent 13 years
trying to rearrange,(that always arranged back to it's default mode).
Was completely moved around, cleaned up, decorated and everything
looked perfect! was either God, or my coffee.
I'm guessing both.

Blondie 💖

  • Word for the day:
"You are meant to enjoy life. 
Nothing is permanent.
If you are going through a transition, 
think about the joy that will come when you get through
whatever you are dealing with.
Your soul becomes stronger with each change.
Find adventure during this time.
Enjoy the new vistas and memories
you are making.
Happiness is always available to you.
Let go of the way you think things need to go
and relax into the journey."

~Sunrise Gratitude~

Journal notes:

I rely on Him completely

Roll in the clover, kick up my heels, & celebrate being alive.

Seek a richer, more meaningful life.
Take risks, face fears, make changes, speak up.
Turn stumbling blocks into stepping stones.

"Troubles are often the tools by which 
God fashions us for better things."

Anything that is of value in life 
only multiplies when it is given.

be happy & well,


Monday, November 18, 2024

November 18, 2024

Remind yourself how quickly things pass,
to ensure you enjoy things while they last.

Bday at Dana's

Think of your life as an adventure.
Focus on the path just before you,
and keep your mind wide open to being surprised.
Be receptive to a miracle.
Walk in a softer way and allow your heart to lead.


a dark rainy morning
 the warm glow of twinkle lights
Laughing so hard yesterday my ribs hurt today
sparkler candles
Yellowstone on Sundays
my kiddo is house-shopping
keeping things simple

be well..


Sunday, November 17, 2024

November 17, 2024

I'm on an integrative pause.
 Keeping things simple and light.


A poem for today.

"Right it on your heart that every day is the best day
in the year.
He is rich who owns the day,
 and no one owns the day who allows it to be invaded with 
fret and anxiety.
Finish every day and be done with it.
You have done what you could.
Some blunders and absurdities no doubt crept in.
Forget them as soon as you can.
Tomorrow is a new day.
Begin it well and serenely,
 with too high a spirit to be
cumbered with your old nonsense.
This new day is too dear with it's hopes and invitations,
to waste a moment on the yesterdays."

~Ralph Waldo Emmerson~

 Journal notes:

Get quiet and listen.

Sit still. Listen. Heal.

View choices through the lenses of health and balance.

Let others touch your mind and heart.

My focus creates my reality.

Breathe in gratitude.

Feed & support my own happiness.

Be easy and gentle with myself.

Practice mindfulness.

Each focused step brings me closer to my goals.

Spend time in nature.

Be in a state of grace.

This morning I am grateful for:

My first cup of coffee when it's still dark outside.

A simple string of yarn, and a cat.

A hug from my kiddo.

Grand-dog visits.

Hubby fixing bacon.

Charles Stanley sermons.


Friday, November 8, 2024

November 8, 2024

I believe in following my heart,
which has lead me to this place that I am in life that I LOVE right now.
I'm  throwing my heart wide open, & welcoming intuitive clues.
I'm taking notes, and moving in the direction it's pulling me.
I've got to be me, so me, I shall be.

The song that I hit "replay" on this week.

Things I am grateful for this morning:

This song.

Day 9 of sticking to my morning breathwork meditation.

Settling in on the couch for an afternoon to catch up with an old friend.

Laughing over a cheesy gesture, than has become our secret code.

A new puzzle to start for the holidays.

Getting back on track.

Starting a new book on health on a cellular level.

Good energy.

A love/hate reaction to 10 seconds of  totally cold water at the end of my hot shower.
( great vagus nerve reset)

Highlights from my journal today:

Anchor yourself in God. What needs to come will always come,
regardless of others.

Be careful what you say.

Don't be preoccupied with how other people view you.

When you experience difficulties, try to shift your
perspective to positivity, & see what happens.

Your only concern should be your own conduct,
your own improvement, your own life.

Stand fully in the truth of who you are,
and what you desire to experience.

When you believe in yourself enough to take a risk,
you can avoid allowing others to make a decision for you.

Make a decision to run your own life.

Always speak life.

Be still, knowing every answer, every healing, & every solution
is on it's way.
Your faith and & compassion bring it forth.

In you is the answer to every question &
the solution to every problem.

Listen to self. Trust your instincts even if they don't make sense.

Simplify. Back to basics. Let go of confusion.

Happy weekend!! 
Be well.

Tuesday, November 5, 2024

November 5, 2024

Today the constant swirl of to do's seem to be fading away,
leaving some space for dreams, and creativity.
I have been enjoying some quiet rainy days at home,
reflecting, unpacking and just putzing around the house.
Twinkle lights, candles, books and a cat on my lap.
 Hygge mode.
Today I am thankful for:

Hubby coming by to pick me up so we could go
vote together

My dad. Today is his birthday.💖

Long catch up phone chats with my girlfriends.
It was good to hear their voices after 3 weeks.

The sun peeking out from the clouds, 
and a walk in the woods by the lake.

Hubby picking up Mexican carry out for dinner.

Graduating as an Integrative Nutrition Health Coach.💞

Finding a quote that I wrote down  from the movie "Dog Gone"

"You live in a bubble,
eventually you suffocate."

My favorite journal takeaway for today:

Avoid the temptation to doubt yourself.
Be willing to go for what you know, when you know it, 
with or without the company of others.

Happy voting !


Saturday, November 2, 2024

November 2, 2024

I woke up feeling refreshed and happy this morning.
 It felt good to get the house spruced up yesterday. 
If felt a little stale and stuffy when I returned home
after being away for two weeks.
It's overcast and breezy today. We've got storms moving in.
Otis just let out a howl.  It makes me smile.
He's our neighbors hound dog, and I just love the big ol' goofy guy.
I just noticed the message on the label dangling out of my mug of tea,
and it reminded me of a moment from back home. 
My childhood friend and I went on a little outing,
had lunch at a quaint little bistro, and then an afternoon walk to
 soak up the gorgeous day, & our rapidly dwindling time together.

"We are all fabulous in our own way."
~tea tag~

We thought she was a hip older woman.
When we reached her, she turned out to be really hip young woman. 
We appreciated her and send her much love. 💗

Here are a few top picks on things that I am so grateful for this morning:

3 apple cider donuts (from Taft Farms) 
that I carefully packed away in my carry on traveled well.

Having a coffee & donut moment with hubby.
Sharing a special treat with the taste from home,
and the cozy memory of my Dad and I having our first cup of coffee & a cider donut 
the morning I left.

Wildflowers still blooming in my garden,
and vases of freshly picked blooms brightening up my windowsill.

Wearing the same hoodie I wore on the chilly mornings back home,
and feeling comforted.

Waking up to cloud dappled sky, in blues, pinks and greys,
and the chance of a storm moving in.

Feeling so much love for & from my family and friends. 
And (now that she's over being mad that I left) Polly too.

And my favorite takeaway from my journal this morning:

"You are not bouncing haphazardly through time and space.
Invite Me into your decisions. I know how to get  you where you want to go.
"The greatest service you can offer to Me, yourself & the energy
of the universe is a blessing."

Sending you blessings.
Be well.



This morning I woke up giddy. I'm in the fifth week of the Autoimmune Health Reset, & yesterday's homework was to fill out an in...