Friday, January 29, 2021


Happiness is...

finding the right song to say
the things I feel, but can't put into words.

A few tid-bits to share with you from my journal this week.💖

When His Presence is the focal point of your consciousness
all the pieces of your life fall into place.

The fact that He is with you, makes every moment
of your life meaningful.

Hold His hand with childlike trust and the
way before you will open up step by step.

Trust Him in the midst of life storms.

Spiritual blessings come wrapped in trials.

Instead of seeking perfection in this fallen world,
pour your energy into seeing God.

Wisdom is the right use of knowledge.

Relying on your own understanding will weigh you down.

Make LOVE the main theme of your life.

Study LOVE.
( are you patient, kind, humble, forgiving, believing in the best...?)

You have the means of climbing out of the pit your in, if you use them.

Balance = the right amounts of healthy nourishment,
rest, work, play, time alone with God, & time to enjoy relationships.

Detach yourself from other's shortcomings,
don't make up for them, nor criticize them.

Play your own role.

Your happiness does not depend on another.

I hope you are doing well, and staying safe.
Sending out hugs and love.

Monday, January 18, 2021


I can't move forward with anything
when I'm half in,
and half out.

Happiness is...

 Creating a  cozy space at the farm,
where we can sit in front of a faux flame, 
sip on mugs of hot chocolate with extra marshmallow
& just let all it all go for a while.

We've been wanting a place at the farm, for such a very long time.
half in, half out.
We talk of plans for the future.
half in, half out.
When things are going good,
we're half in.
When things get wonky,
we're half out.

"Our decisions aren't just isolated choices,
our decisions point our lives in the directions 
we're about to head. Show me a decision 
and I'll show you a direction.
We've got to get good at chasing down our decisions.
See where they will take us.
And make sure that's really where we want to go."

Yep! All in! Let's see where this goes!

Journal entries that have helped my focus:

Take inventory of your thoughts and attitudes.

A thankful, trusting attitude helps you to see
life with a good perspective.

Remain calm , cool and steady in the face of challenges.

What we say is powerful, think before you speak.

Speak positive things, beliefs into your life.

" What we spend our time thinking about is
what we spend our time thinking about."

What you focus on gets magnified.

Speaking words that are loving & full of grace 
takes deliberate action.

When things go wrong breathe, pray, and hold tightly
to God's hand.

Together we can make it.

Praying you are keeping your chin
up through these tough times.
Look for the gifts in this day.
Stay well and be safe.

Saturday, January 9, 2021


Happiness is....

 ...the simple things.

"Life is much simpler than most of us think it is.
We struggle so hard trying to improve ourselves,
trying to grow,
trying to become conscious,
trying to achieve in the world.
We need to relax, open up, and allow ourselves to receive
from the life force within us and all around us.
Life is always trying to bring us everything we want and need,
but most of the time we're moving so fast
trying so hard
that we don't notice."

May you receive simple joys today
and stay safe and well!


Friday, January 8, 2021


" God uses uncertainty to chase us out into the open
where we can find him all over again."

Happiness is...

 .... being yourself in a world that is constantly 
trying to change you.

 Journal entries that have started off my year:

The greatest miracles in my life will come in the biggest messes.

The most productive parts of my life will not be the prettiest.

What if "normal" is something you've never known?

Hope is a focus, not a feeling.

You have a choice. Your choice is your focus.

If God is squeezing me, something productive will come from it.

Succeed at home first. Don't loose focus on the things that
are important to you.
If you're not winning at home,
you're not winning anywhere.

Comparison will always steal from the creativity and the calling
on your own life.

If you can't change the situation change your attitude.

The best thing  you can do during this season of your life, 
is find your own voice.
You need to figure out what uniquely makes you you,
and unleash that!

God made you you !

Praying you are staying healthy and well, and that
this year be filled with fresh new beginnings. 
May you be happy, content, and feel so very loved!
Happy New Year!!!


This morning I woke up giddy. I'm in the fifth week of the Autoimmune Health Reset, & yesterday's homework was to fill out an in...