Monday, January 18, 2021


I can't move forward with anything
when I'm half in,
and half out.

Happiness is...

 Creating a  cozy space at the farm,
where we can sit in front of a faux flame, 
sip on mugs of hot chocolate with extra marshmallow
& just let all it all go for a while.

We've been wanting a place at the farm, for such a very long time.
half in, half out.
We talk of plans for the future.
half in, half out.
When things are going good,
we're half in.
When things get wonky,
we're half out.

"Our decisions aren't just isolated choices,
our decisions point our lives in the directions 
we're about to head. Show me a decision 
and I'll show you a direction.
We've got to get good at chasing down our decisions.
See where they will take us.
And make sure that's really where we want to go."

Yep! All in! Let's see where this goes!

Journal entries that have helped my focus:

Take inventory of your thoughts and attitudes.

A thankful, trusting attitude helps you to see
life with a good perspective.

Remain calm , cool and steady in the face of challenges.

What we say is powerful, think before you speak.

Speak positive things, beliefs into your life.

" What we spend our time thinking about is
what we spend our time thinking about."

What you focus on gets magnified.

Speaking words that are loving & full of grace 
takes deliberate action.

When things go wrong breathe, pray, and hold tightly
to God's hand.

Together we can make it.

Praying you are keeping your chin
up through these tough times.
Look for the gifts in this day.
Stay well and be safe.

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