Tuesday, November 24, 2020


Happiness is...
an afternoon nap in his comfy new digs.

Guys...it's hard enough for me to let go
of my animal babies,
but to see them shivering-cold, wet and on their own?
I can't!
That happened Saturday.
I wanted to bring him back home !!
Or buy him a rain coat.
Sunday, I had an idea...
I ran it by hubby.
 He was cool with it.
So Buddy now has his own little-man-cave.
And I am comforted to know he is 
safe, warm, and dry.

Hope you are safe and well.


Saturday, November 21, 2020


" Spending time getting quiet can be the best remedy 
for tangled situations.  Taking a step back from all
the emotions, frustrations, and exhaustion to sit quietly
with Jesus will do more to untangle a mess than anything
else I've ever found."

"Dear Lord, help me stop trying
to figure this situation out and 
just sit in the quiet with You for
a while. Humble me. Take my
anxiety and replace it with Your
peace, wisdom, and security. I trust 
in You. In Jesus' Name, Amen."

I hope you are safe and well, and 
you find peace in the quiet moments.

Thursday, November 19, 2020



Lately on my Facebook and Instagram  I've been on a "Happiness is" kick.

It helps me to stay focused on the good right now, 

when everything else just seems wonky.

Yesterday we moved Buddy to the farm.

I really missed him this morning, and wondered how he was doing.

So today...

Happiness is...

grabbing the dog, a book & blanket, my camera,

and a cup of coffee and racing to the farm to 

spend the morning with Buddy.

Be safe, stay well, and
may your moments be filled
with happy things.

Monday, November 9, 2020


There are hard days and difficulties, 
but they are outnumbered by things I can be grateful for.

 This morning I am grateful for:

The smashed and scattered pile of leaves in the front yard

"I love God" written in purple chalk on the front porch by Price

Kaleb (my neighbor boy) stopping by to visit for a minute.

My fur-kids

my neighborhood kids

Roses and raining leaves

My space in the backyard to read, write, and pray

Coffee in my cup

a favorite scripture

" Whatever is true, whatever is noble,
whatever is right, whatever is pure,
whatever is admirable-if anything is
excellent or praiseworthy-
think about such things."
Philippians 4:8

Praying you are safe and well today!

Friday, November 6, 2020


I geek out when I get to have a baby the backyard. 
I know soon he'll go back to the farm,
& it'll be hard.
But for right now I'm going to get attached and love him.
He just makes everything better.

"Perhaps this is what this season is all about:
trusting in the unknowns,
finding gold in the little things,
trading fear of what's certain
for freedom to thrive within it."

Stay well and have a beautiful weekend.

Thursday, November 5, 2020


The little things have always been important,
but even more so right now.

"Life is too damn short to live in a mediocre way.
Wake up with a purpose and make the best of each day
and your short time here on this earth.
Stop saying, 'I'll do this when I have more money,' or
'I'll start when I'm more settled.'
Stop making excuses.
What if I told you that all you
need is what you have right now?
That's all you need to
just make a start.
It doesn't matter if your 17 or 50, set
your alarm for tomorrow morning
and wake up with a purpose.
Always give your best and live your best life.
Don't let the years just pass you by.
Because we don't get another chance.
This is it."

Be safe and well.


Monday, November 2, 2020


" I wonder what would happen in our lives
if we really lived in absolute assurance of God's love?
Not just knowing He loves us.
Living like we really believe it !
Walking confidently in the certainty of His love
even when our feelings beg us not to."

Lately I'm...

Reading: Stitches by Anne Lamott

Watching: The Good Doctor

Highlighting: "Maybe we don't find a lot of answers to life's
tougher questions, but if we find a few true friends, 
that's even better. 
They help you see who you truly are, which is not
always the loveliest possible version of yourself,
but then comes the greatest miracle of all-
they still love you."

Loving: a few days at Mom's

Hating: Covid

Discovering:  that hardships are hidden blessings as well.

Enjoying: the beautiful fall weather
Mom's cow neighbors
the full moon
making origami cranes

Thinking: I wonder who our next President will be?

Hoping for: good change.

Listening to: Mom whistling for the dog.
The evening news.

Smelling: Mom's shampoo. 

Thanking: my family for understanding me & making me laugh.

I hope you are well and safe!

Thankful, Grateful, Blessed

I am heading back home today...  feeling like one of those little glow sticks that you snap, and then they're filled with light. I am so...