Tuesday, March 17, 2020


I choose to create the tomorrow I believe in,
rather than fear what could be.
With the pandemic surrounding us, & the grey news of today...
I can still choose to celebrate life, 
make delicious home cooked meals,
light candles,
play music,
read books,
cuddle my pets,
dream with my hubby,
sit in the stillness...
and pray.

This is a good time to take it easy...
get back to basics.
Enjoy the things I have.

" Every time we enter into solitude we withdraw from our windy, 
earthquaking, fiery lives
and open ourselves to the great encounter.
The first thing we discover in solitude 
is our own restlessness,
our drivenness, and compulsiveness,
our urge to act quickly, to make an impact,
and to have influence; 
and often find it very hard to withstand the temptation
to return as quickly as possible to the world of " relevance."
But when we persevere with the help of a gentle discipline,
we slowly come to hear the still, small voice
and to feel the gentle breeze,
and so come to know the Lord of our heart,
soul, and mind,
the Lord who makes us see who we really are. "

                           ~ Henri J. M. Nouwen ~

Stay safe, and be well.

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