Wednesday, March 4, 2020


"Good things happen when we train our attention
on that which is beautiful, on that which is authentic,
and compelling and good"

"Cynicism erodes our ability to see God rightly."

"Cynicism usually grows because we think
we deserve better than we are getting.
Cynicism says that nobody can be trusted,
that we're never, ever safe."

Seriously....I never thought I was cynical.
I thought I always looked for the good.
I am learning that at best...
It has been a good distraction.
Because all along...
I was guarded.
I was doubtful.
Always waiting for the other shoe to drop....
or the rug to be pulled out from underneath me.

The root of cynicism is deep hurt.

I've tried to guard my heart and my mind on my own.
It doesn't work out so well.
Sure, I can look out and see the beauty all around me,
 but I have allowed hurt to drive the bus.
I can buckle up...
then brace myself as I slam into the stinking wall.
Every. Dang. Time.
The walls are crumbling down.
(About time...they've taken enough hits.)

Don't ever be afraid to ask for professional help!
Make sure you turn to someone you can trust.
Pray about it.
I am thankful for God providing me with a wonderful Counselor
a loving Pastor,
supportive family,
and the friends that have stuck with me through thick and thin.
Healing is happening.
It's not easy.
It's messy and real.
I. Am. Grateful.

" Cynicism puts our minds on things of this earth,
 and we lose hope.
Beauty points our gaze toward the heavens
and reminds us of hope."

Life is too short.
Be well.


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