Thursday, March 26, 2020


" inevitable.
When the battle begins you have two options.
You can stand there and get beaten to bloody pulp &
abandon your faith.
you can seize the opportunity to experience God's
power and goodness in a new way,
watching in awe as he fights for you."

I have been scared and worried...
with all the uncertainties right now
but also grateful.
I'm taking things day by day...
and finding the things to be thankful for.
With all the unknown...
and distancing going on ...
it has pulled us closer.

" I think God sometimes uses the completely inexplicable
events in our lives to point us towards Him.
We get to decide each time
whether we will lean in towards
what is unfolding and say yes
or back away."

Keeping you all in my prayers
every day
stay well, and be safe

the good little things:

making bread pudding for the first time
(watching it disappear)

learning to identify edible greens in our yard
(trying them...and liking them)

reading a good novel together
(Where The Crawdads Sing by Delia Owens)

working in the yard
(mowing already)

watching the barn go up at the farm
(something hubby has always wanted)

picking wildflowers 

Inspiration on Netflix
(Self Made inspired by the life of Madam C. J. Walker)

Text from a friend this morning:
" Hope flourishes when we shift our gaze 
from the darkness that surrounds us
to the love that encircles us.
And there, in the certainty of His Love,
we find peace for the present and strength
for the days to come."

Tuesday, March 17, 2020


I choose to create the tomorrow I believe in,
rather than fear what could be.
With the pandemic surrounding us, & the grey news of today...
I can still choose to celebrate life, 
make delicious home cooked meals,
light candles,
play music,
read books,
cuddle my pets,
dream with my hubby,
sit in the stillness...
and pray.

This is a good time to take it easy...
get back to basics.
Enjoy the things I have.

" Every time we enter into solitude we withdraw from our windy, 
earthquaking, fiery lives
and open ourselves to the great encounter.
The first thing we discover in solitude 
is our own restlessness,
our drivenness, and compulsiveness,
our urge to act quickly, to make an impact,
and to have influence; 
and often find it very hard to withstand the temptation
to return as quickly as possible to the world of " relevance."
But when we persevere with the help of a gentle discipline,
we slowly come to hear the still, small voice
and to feel the gentle breeze,
and so come to know the Lord of our heart,
soul, and mind,
the Lord who makes us see who we really are. "

                           ~ Henri J. M. Nouwen ~

Stay safe, and be well.

Wednesday, March 11, 2020


We sat on a log pushed up against an old hay bale.
Snacked on almonds.
 Listened to the peepers
& the wind blow through the trees.

We gazed out at the cows in the distance, 
talked about old dreams,
and made new.
Held each others hand.
Feeling in sync.
Grateful for the longer days...
and more time.


Wednesday, March 4, 2020


"Good things happen when we train our attention
on that which is beautiful, on that which is authentic,
and compelling and good"

"Cynicism erodes our ability to see God rightly."

"Cynicism usually grows because we think
we deserve better than we are getting.
Cynicism says that nobody can be trusted,
that we're never, ever safe."

Seriously....I never thought I was cynical.
I thought I always looked for the good.
I am learning that at best...
It has been a good distraction.
Because all along...
I was guarded.
I was doubtful.
Always waiting for the other shoe to drop....
or the rug to be pulled out from underneath me.

The root of cynicism is deep hurt.

I've tried to guard my heart and my mind on my own.
It doesn't work out so well.
Sure, I can look out and see the beauty all around me,
 but I have allowed hurt to drive the bus.
I can buckle up...
then brace myself as I slam into the stinking wall.
Every. Dang. Time.
The walls are crumbling down.
(About time...they've taken enough hits.)

Don't ever be afraid to ask for professional help!
Make sure you turn to someone you can trust.
Pray about it.
I am thankful for God providing me with a wonderful Counselor
a loving Pastor,
supportive family,
and the friends that have stuck with me through thick and thin.
Healing is happening.
It's not easy.
It's messy and real.
I. Am. Grateful.

" Cynicism puts our minds on things of this earth,
 and we lose hope.
Beauty points our gaze toward the heavens
and reminds us of hope."

Life is too short.
Be well.


Tuesday, March 3, 2020


Sometimes things don't make sense,
and I am swayed by fear and doubt.
My stomach tied in knots,
seeking to figure things out.

Then a stirring comes from deep within my heart,
to surrender, and let it go.
Blanketing me with peace,
guiding me more gently with the flow.


Don't let fear disable your dreams...
let it increase your capacity for faith.


This morning I woke up giddy. I'm in the fifth week of the Autoimmune Health Reset, & yesterday's homework was to fill out an in...