Monday, October 28, 2019


" Happiness is when what you think, what you say,
and what you do are in harmony."

....definitely on the very top of the list of 735 things
that adds a note of harmony to my life. 


Saturday, October 26, 2019


to self,
.... on anxious thoughts.

Take responsibility for my own anxiety.
Is it ene-me or inner-me ?
External or internal ?
When things are going right, quit worrying about them going wrong!
Don't borrow drama from other people.
Don't let a situation contaminate my spirit.
It is NOT "out there", it IS my disquieting thoughts causing me to be anxious.
I don't have to prove anything to anyone.
I don't have to be anyone else.
What am I taking in ? Things that drain or fill me?
Is there a sense of urgency ? Do I need to figure out
what is really important?
Do I give weight to the wrong words or actions of others ?
Figure out where my "Yes" is, so I don't worry about saying "No".
Do it or Don't.
Worship or Worry ?
Faith or Fear ?
Don't isolate.

Spend time with friends and family. 
Reclaim my imagination.
Walk into the day expecting to see the good. 

~God is good~


Friday, October 25, 2019


"Stop running like mad 
because you don't know the music;
Lay in the wild grass 
while the stars dance instead.

Forget what they've told you about Me
and stop thinking 
it's something you have to perform.
You could spend your entire life doing that
and never know any more of Me at all.
You'll miss the point,
miss the beauty,
miss the sky I painted above you.
It's a beautiful night 
to realize what it's really like to be loved.
Stop chasing the song, child, 
and let me teach you to sing."



Tuesday, October 15, 2019


A cool fall afternoon.
Walking in the pasture.
Calving season.

Allowing me to get close.
Treasuring the joy that only tiny newborns can bring.
And big mamas too.
That sweet bovine love.


Sunday, October 13, 2019


Not showy
or exotic looking,

but it doesn't know.
It's content to be what it is
and then it becomes
even more beautiful to me.



Saturday, October 12, 2019

Fixing the problem.
Trying to fix my life
my marriage.
I forget that life is not about fixing.

It's about living.
Smelling Autumn in the air,
hearing the rustle of leaves in the breeze,
sipping a spiced pumpkin latte,
and warming my hands on the cup.
Life is about learning from the bad...
and nestling in with the good.

Remembering that even on the messiest or hardest days,
what I have is a whole lot of good.

"Trust in the Lord with all your heart
and lean not on your own understanding...."
Prov. 3:5

Tuesday, October 1, 2019


[ f e e - k a ]  

a moment to slow down 
and appreciate the good things in life.
"Coffee with friends."

" Most Swedes will enjoy at least one fika a day
as an opportunity to bond."

Taking some time
to remember who I am.
Snuggling up to the Swede in me today.



This morning I woke up giddy. I'm in the fifth week of the Autoimmune Health Reset, & yesterday's homework was to fill out an in...