Tuesday, May 14, 2019


 my grandmother
standing at the kitchen sink
 her apron tied around her waist
her hands lathered in soapy bubbles
 scrubbing and rinsing the dishes 
standing beside her to visit
the kitchen window slightly cranked open
the big tree in the center of the backyard
the wooden feeder she would fill with sunflower seeds
or breadcrumbs left over from lunch
the birds flying in and landing
 her naming them off to me
swatting the window at times
when a Blue jay landed
because they were "bullies"
becoming soft again when a Chickadee would fly in 
watching her smile
because they were her favorite

Trying to take a picture of a feeling
because every time a Chickadee flies into my day
 I think of her 
and it comforts me 
and I soak it all up 
swaddling myself in a heaven-sent hug. 💖

Love and Hugs!💗

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