Thursday, August 30, 2018


Dear Lord,
"Today I thought of the words of Vincent van Gogh: 
'It is true there is an ebb and flow, but the sea remains the sea.'
You are the sea.
Although I experience many ups and downs in my emotions
and often feel great shifts and changes in my inner life,
you remain the same.

Your sameness is not the sameness of a rock,
but the sameness of a faithful lover.
Out of your love I came to life,
by your love I am sustained,
and to your love I am always called back.
There are days of sadness and days of joy;
there are feelings of guilt and feelings of gratitude;
there are moments of failure and moments of success;
but all of them are embraced by your unwavering love....
O Lord, sea of love and goodness,
let me not fear too much the storms and winds of my daily life,
and let me know there is ebb and flow 
but the sea remains the sea."

Sitting here at my kitchen table.
Door wide open.
Thunderstorms, devotionals, coffee,
and all the cozy feels.
Praying and reflecting.
Always keeping my loved ones close in thought...
and this morning, sharing with you this beautiful prayer
by, Henri J. M. Nouwen.

Hugs & love,
and all the cozy feels.💗

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