Wednesday, February 28, 2018


Less internet....more other things.

Like time to be outside.
Read books . Draw. Learn. Play.
Make friends with #39. :)
I am using my free time to relax, and have fun!!
Also to unwind and clear my mental cache.
[it's a process]

This week I did take a class for my CE on 
"Eating, Mental Health, Inflammation
and the Aging Brain."
I am still trying to download all of that information.
There are a lot of things we can do to keep ourselves healthy.
I have always tried to make healthy choices,
but lately [2 weeks ago] ,I noticed I was starting to feel really bogged down.
I kinda knew in my heart it was social media, blogging, Instagram....
searching the internet. 
I love to learn....and stay in touch,
but my brain, well, I'll just say, it gets overloaded easily.
Easier the older I get. ;)
I have had to prioritize to a quick daily check.
15 min. or on some days....I do with out.
Information overload is truly a "thing" for me.
So in honor of my brain,
and it's well being,
I am taking some time to reboot.

Stay tuned. :)

Have a good rest of  your week !!
Be well !


Tuesday, February 20, 2018


Well, I thought about heading out on a little adventure this morning,
or....doing some homey a few projects I have wanted to do.
I sent up a prayer.
I do that when I can't make up my mind.
Then wee Tsunami Jr. rolled in.
I love the quick response !

So I have been enjoying listening to the rain, and other random things like:
Watching you tube videos on growing garlic.
Start my own garlic.[they say start in cups, but glass is prettier.]
Drew a special picture for a special person. 
Organized some of my photos.
Wrote in a few cards to send out.
Thought about working out.
Got on here instead.
I plan to:
Finish this up, then make some hot tea & hunker down with my Rosetta Stone Spanish.
Maybe later, join my girlfriend at the gym...
stay in and do some yoga and listen to the rain.
I'm guessing the latter...
it sounds perfect.

I hope you are having a calm and peaceful day.


Monday, February 19, 2018


Hi there !! I hope you had a good weekend !
How was your weather ?
The weather was nice here.
We spent a little time out at the farm.
This is the space I have been clearing when I get a chance.
Do you like the stone wall I built ?
It's something I have always wanted to try.
This was the second one I built.
The first one shaded some wildflowers that were trying to pop up.
So I tore it down and re-built it in a better spot.

Hubby was brave enough to sit on it.
The wall stayed in place.
So did he.
I will probably add some more to the wall.
I see it surrounding a flower garden some day. 
We love this space !!
We sit and listen to the birds, and watch the cows,
and talk about our dreams.
It's peaceful and calm.
That's some good stuff !

I hope your day is filled with good things.
Happy Monday !!!


Friday, February 16, 2018


This weeks lesson: Focus on the little things, the good things.

Because it makes life kinder.

Happy weekend !


Thursday, February 15, 2018


Good things:
Riding bikes 13 miles along the lake, with my friend Mary.
Spotting a flamingo in the store window...and following the impulse.
Finding the hood for my camera,
 [that I thought I lost by the river in AR last Fall]
 under the seat of my car.....
as I was looking for my glasses that slipped between the seats.

Hubby arranging sweet Valentines on the table before leaving for work,
for me to discover as I was heading out to cycle.
Followed by an arrangement of flowers when I returned home.
The "sweet" Valentines pairing very well with my coffee this morning.
Having the windows open & inhaling the fresh air, as I sit here.
Hearing the children on the playground, and feeling a swell in my heart for this small town.
Focusing on the big glob of love that surrounds me.

Sending much love your way on this beautiful day !!


Monday, February 12, 2018


Some good things: Wintery and Spring- like days intermingling.
Riding in the old farm truck,[cassette player & wing windows].
The smell of hubby's coffee in the air...while I sip hot chocolate.
[the best of both worlds]

Watching the herd get so dang excited for alfalfa hay....that
they they don't seem to mind the cold so much.
Icy days, seemingly giving us permission to slow down.
Oliver on ice.... :)
Dana's warm & cozy house being just down the street,
when I need to shower, and our hot water heater decides to take a time-out.
Lincoln's quotes. [because today is his birthday 1809 :)] 

" I want it said of me by those who knew me best,
that I always plucked a thistle and planted a flower
where I thought a flower would grow."
~ Abraham Lincoln~

Happy Monday !!


Saturday, February 10, 2018


This weeks lesson:
I can take snippets from my daily gratitude journal, and share it on my blog.

I love that it is simple.

Happy weekend. Stay warm.


Friday, February 9, 2018


Finally getting a chance to cycle before another snow moves in.
Getting tickled over something,
and no matter how hard we tried... we couldn't stop laughing.
Getting caught up in the cold front, peddling against the wind...
then finally making back to the van.
Ordering Pumpkin lattes at the local coffee shop for our drive home.

Getting tickled all over again, when hubby sees my Facebook
post, and asks me "what made  you guys laugh so hard."
And getting a little chuckle out of him too. :)

" You can't deny laughter; when it comes, 
it plops down in your favorite chair
and stays as long as it wants. "


Thursday, February 8, 2018


Gratitudes: Scotty & Oliver in the back of the SUV.
 The way nature calms, and gets me out of my own head.
The pick-up-stick-syndrome I inherited from my Dad.
The way I always think of him, when the syndrome kicks in.
Wide open spaces.

Finding a piece of dark chocolate in my purse.
Eskimo kisses.
Hubby kisses.

Some of the little things that made me smile today.
What little some-thing(s) made you smile today ?

Wednesday, February 7, 2018


Gratitudes: Those little things that put a skip in my step.
Taking a road I've never been down before. 
Stopping at a Ma & Pop store for sweet snacks.
A warm sunny day after a cold, grey one.
My girlfriend wanting to ride with me to get hay, just for the fun of it.

Old trucks !! 
Oliver loving his new hay.
Coming home, & Hubby patting on the couch next to him, 
motioning me to ...
" come tell me about your day..."

What are some little moments that just add a little skip to your step ?


Tuesday, February 6, 2018


Gratitiudes: Lovey stuff.
Brandon calling me when he is sick.
Phoning a girlfriend [call me old fashioned...]
and hearing her voice...her laugh...her quirkiness.
The way Oliver looks at he is 100% sure of me.
Letting the cat in for a bit when hubby's at work, 
[cause pets don't  come in... ;)]
just to listen to it's purr.

Hubby smiling, when I tell him about it later.
Sitting beside each other to eat... and sharing our prayers.
Twinkle lights, on.
Candles lit.

What lovey-stuff are you loving about your life today ? 


Monday, February 5, 2018


Gratitudes: A little winter surprise.

Spending all day in jammies. 
A nice feel-good movie.
 A big pot of potato soup simmering on the stove.
A couch that is too the hubs & I always have to snuggle. :)

What little things are you grateful for today ?


Friday, February 2, 2018


Because, most of my life I thought that if I wasn't like everyone
else, if I didn't have the same beliefs, a certain group of friends,
 common interests, live a certain lifestyle, have this or that thing...
or look a certain way....[the list is long]...
that there was something wrong with me.
I still struggle with this.
And so....
This weeks lesson: 

" Don't compare yourself with others.  
Each of you must take responsibility for doing the creative best
you can with your own life. " 
Gal. 6:4-5 MSG

Have a BE YOU tiful weekend !!!


Thursday, February 1, 2018


Pretty content staying in & lounging around. Secretly convincing myself
that in buying my photography instructor's used lens...
 it will contain some sot of special super-powers.

Focusing on the little things.



This morning I woke up giddy. I'm in the fifth week of the Autoimmune Health Reset, & yesterday's homework was to fill out an in...