Friday, April 21, 2017


That awkward moment, when you show up to photography class...
and realize you forgot your camera !

my instructor

my instructor lent me his camera for class *sweet

Yeah...that happened this week.
I truly believed I had my camera with me.
I remember loading extra lens cleaners and my camera into the bag.
I had thought about stopping at the camera shop on the way to check out a lens.
[but ran out of time]
I worried about the camera getting too hot in the car,
when I met Brandon for lunch.
[so parked where it might be shaded]
I even arrived at the park early, where class was to meet....
so I could explore, and snap a few pics. on my own.
My instructor had already arrived as well...
so I gathered my tri-pod and my camera ?
Where's my camera ??
I was truly convinced I had it with me.
I even checked in the trunk.
Then the realization hit me...
and all I could do was laugh.
I told the instructor.
Then he laughed.
He said that it was the first time someone showed up for class without a camera.
And we laughed some more.
And then I got to thinking... what if I had known I had left my camera behind ?
I probably would have been so mortified, or embarrassed
that I would have skipped class.
So things didn't go exactly how I had planned.
But !! 
Those unexpected things in life ?
The things we painstakingly try so hard to avoid ?
They aren't always so bad.
[I mean...if you know know I rarely leave the house without my camera !]
Everything worked out and it was OK.
Maybe better than OK.  Maybe even great !

good things...
instructors with a sense of humor
my classmates and instructor sharing their own stories of forgetfulness 
and putting me at ease
being able to laugh at myself
being OK with being imperfect
having fun, and learning together
when you see someone...and know you have seen them before...then remember
[one of my classmates used to be leaving as I was arriving to teach fitness class. We always greeted
each other. It's been a few years.]
walking in the park
watching kids play in the park
dogwood trees


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