Tuesday, January 31, 2017


"Take care of your body.
It's the only place you have to live."

My new eating routine.  
I looked in the mirror...[I mean...really looked] a couple of weeks ago.
I stifled a scream.
I was away at a conference with my hubby.
I wanted to blame the lighting...the mirrors...in the hotel. You know.
I made up my mind that second, that I was going to do something about it !
Barnes and Noble was across the street.
I spent all day [while hubby was in conference]
searching for "The Plan ".
Found it !
It's pretty much how I eat anyway...only more often.
And less.
And none of my sugary treats...or meat...or some of my other favorites.
It's only 2 weeks. I know I can do it .
I am actually super excited.
I started today.
Sometimes just knowing your taking care of yourself
 makes you feel tons better. Instantly .

being excited
a fantastic day to be outside
knowing I will feel better about myself
 pre-tweaking my eating habits a week prior...and already seeing a change.
an easy plan to follow
nothing artificial
clean and healthy foods
trying new smoothie recipes
healthy shake recipes :)
mirrors :)


Sunday, January 29, 2017


There is something about the farm
that just brings out the best in me.
The cows, the hay, the fresh air & sunshine.
I love the simplicity.
It seems to just slow everything down just a little.

I'll walk....catch up with hubby later

I love to plop myself down with them...

...and listen to them munch on the hay

practicing manual modes today

licking my pants. love these little ones

so curious

" Any darn fool can make a day more complicated than it has to be;
it takes a touch of genius to make it simple again."

going with hubby to the farm
a weekend to just chill
mild January days
walking instead of riding
the sound of cows munching on hay
sitting in the hay mounds
curious baby calves
spending most of my time outdoors
the smell of cold on clothes


Friday, January 27, 2017


 " Never forget that you are one of a kind.
Never forget that if there weren't any need
for you in all your uniqueness to be on this earth,
you wouldn't be her in the first place.

Me and my book buddy

our book

And never forget, no matter how overwhelming
life's challenges and problems seem to be,
that one person can make a difference in the world.
In fact,
it is always because on one person that all the changes in the world come about.
So be that one person. "
Embrace your You-ness :)

that I was invited to be a book buddy at the school
my book buddy
being back in school
the little thrill of excitement in doing something new...learning
being surrounded by strong, loving, women who make a difference.
my hubby...who has changed my world
being able to help
making a difference [hopefully a good one :) ]
Karen, for sharing the picture of me [I lopped off part of my buddy...not sure on privacy issues]
cute kid tho !! :)


Wednesday, January 25, 2017


Because...it was a warm sunshiny day....

I just wanted to sit on a blanket and read...and...

we needed the exercise. bad. 

" Things that matter most
must never be at the mercy
of things that matter least. "

when winter gives us a taste of spring
being outside
getting over my cold
setting some health and fitness goals. 
talking to my best friend ...catching up...being silly
a good laugh
"About A Boy " series on Netflix. If your wanting fun... sweet and awww-ee :) [only 2 seasons. *sigh]
Oliver getting fit with me.
Scotty being the lead dog... making sure the way is safe
watching Oliver explore...he's kind of a scaredy, curious goat
when life feels really, really good


Monday, January 23, 2017


" Some days I only need to stand
where I am
to be blessed."

Dan taking his break from shooting the convention, to work with me.

I had a little session this weekend
to quench my mad desire & passion
to learn more about photography.
It was so much fun to have Dan @ Dan Bernskoetter Photography coach me, and to
be a part of my day !

going to hubby's conventions
being surrounded by nice people
the sun coming out... just long enough for a quick photo shoot
Dan taking his break from photographing the convention to help me.
[Thank you again Dan !! So much! ]
being out in nature
exploring a new park
always learning a little bit more...
Alka-Seltzer Plus and Puffs 
getting over a nasty head cold
hubby always wanting to help me feel better. Going the extra mile.
my sister friend that loves & takes good care of my babies when I am gone. 
being away...and returning home


Thursday, January 19, 2017


" And now, dear brother's and sister's,
one final thing.
Fix your thoughts on what is true,
and honorable, and right,
and pure, and lovely, and admirable.
Think about things that are excellent
and worthy of praise. "
~Philippians 4:8~

Sharing my favorite Bible verse this morning.
I don't know how many times this verse kept me
from bad thoughts, bad moods,bad choices... bad days.
Sometimes we just need a reminder of what to focus on.
The good stuff. :)
Got a busy few days ahead...so 
over and out for now.

Have a happy weekend !

my morning routine
the way a few simple words can change my day
My Aunt...and her determination
answered prayers
a weekend of plans with my hubby :)


Wednesday, January 18, 2017


 Meeting him for a bite to eat...
 our nice long chats...catching up.

It's these moments...
I wish would last a little longer.

my fine young man
our in depth conversations
our lunch/dinner dates
eating at new places
good coffee
his many faces
that we are so much alike...and so different
how much he teaches me
 that he offers to share his food so I can try things
having him close
watching him settle into adulthood


Tuesday, January 17, 2017


We were wild and free, and in desperate need
of some space.
Fence-free and unleashed.

The boys were so happy !
Best. Mom. Ever.

white fluffy clouds
Oliver being completely free for the first time...
he keeps Scotty or I close..
he's always making sure of us.
A nice walk in the country
hoodies in January
when Oliver gets nervous or scared he snorts :)



This morning I woke up giddy. I'm in the fifth week of the Autoimmune Health Reset, & yesterday's homework was to fill out an in...