Thursday, December 8, 2016


" Do not wait for life. Do not long for it.
Be aware, always and at every moment,
that the miracle is here and now. "

I was sitting here thinking of the right words for my post.
 I have been busy lately...
so I am posting photos from a few days ago.
And I can't think of the words that go with the feeling,
that I am trying to find the words I'll share the moment.
Hubby was feeding the cows...
it was sundown on the farm.
The air was cool...and everything was quiet.
I had been having one of those..."the grass is always greener" days.
You know...
when you think you should be somewhere else...
doing something else ?
Standing there...taking it all in...
I was suddenly humbled.
I became acutely aware of how perfect it all was!
There was nowhere I would have rather been,
than at the farm, with my dear hubby...
at that moment.
AND I realized...
the grass was the greenest RIGHT where I was standing. :)

twinkle light and snowflakes
cold nights and cozy blankets
a warm mug of soup and grilled cheese
fuzzy socks
digging out my favorite mittens


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