Monday, June 27, 2016


She is authentic, smart, and full of life.
I adore her passion, and her love
of making this place better.
She builds...
Her heart is super-sized.
Spending the afternoon with her was surreal.
I thought she was magic. 
She made me want to do new things, to learn, to follow my dreams.

homemade pesto

she built a wall

she built a table

she gardens

I was ridiculously inspired by her.
I secretly hoped that while I was there...
some of her superpower dust would transfer to me.
Just some of it.

feeling inspired
learning new skills 
superhero friends
finding a bit of superpower dust :)


P.S.  I am proud to know you.
I love you ! *hug

Tuesday, June 21, 2016

Summer Solstice

So here's a really special day that was amazing.


To me, the real beauty is in the slowness,
in having time to enjoy being together.
To hunt for rocks along the way.
To watch tiny fish swimming in pools.
To walk barefoot and wiggle our toes in the moss.
To sail leaves...sticks and homemade boats down waterfalls.
To try something new,
 and explore new territory.

All these good little things filled our day with joy...
and all the moments,
woven together...
kicked off our Summer with all the best things in life...
the simple little things.

bare feet on moss
cool ,crystal clear water on a hot day
discovering rock sculptures
building rock sculptures
finding the perfect rock ...
and another...
my wonderful, loving son 
feeling so utterly satisfied
forest, waterfalls, sunshine


Monday, June 20, 2016

Father's Day

We went out to the camp.
We tried to catch frogs,
we grilled burgers and dogs,
we even got in some shooting.

We set in the grass, lounged in the shade, giggled and appreciated each other.
We spent the time together catching up on life, and creating wonderful family memories.

being at the camp where I used to shoot as a little girl
memories of my grandparents
Brandon's remarkable marksmanship
the simple things
a family of superheroes : firefighters, first responder's, servicemen...caregivers.
chasing frogs...frogs that squeak :)
spending Father's day with my Dad. *love


Sunday, June 19, 2016

New York City

On a gorgeous day,
we took a walk around NYC.
We explored, we ate, we sadly remembered.
We laughed, we ate, we enjoyed our time together.

911 Memorial Pool

tribute to Orlando

Julia, Anna, Brandon *love 

911 Museum

911 Memorial Pool

Died 1769

St. Paul's Chapel

Strawberry Rhubarb crumble

Julia, Staten Island Ferry

Coast Guard

World Trade Center

Brooklyn Bridge in the distant.

Trinity Church


FANTASTIC ! Loving my time in NY with my family and friends.
I'm always happy when we can carve out time to be together !!

Thank you Anna, for always making our trips into the city
feel like we're exploring home. *hug

exploring the city
tall buildings and clouds
people watching
friend that feel like family
food crawls :)
trying new things
New York



This morning I woke up giddy. I'm in the fifth week of the Autoimmune Health Reset, & yesterday's homework was to fill out an in...