Saturday, June 5, 2021


" Joy can be caught neither in one
feeling or emotion
nor in one ritual or custom

but is always more than we expect,
always surprising,

and, therefore, always a sign 
that we are in the presence of the Lord of life."


Thursday, June 3, 2021



My goal was to take better care of my health,
replace some bad habits with good ones.
(under a Doctors care)
For eight weeks I eliminated :
Sugar. Caffeine. Dairy. Fruit. Yeast. Salt & Pepper.
I lived on sugar-free-salt-free brown rice products,
chicken, fish and lean beef.
I ate loads of broccoli and cauliflower, and greens.
I tried new ways of preparing meals with only herbs to season. 
Bravely tried things I'd never heard of like Tahini and Dark roasted Dandelion tea & Chicory.
I searched health food stores and researched online for the healthiest choices.
I knew if I could get through all 56 days, 
focusing on my "why", and not allow myself to give in to the 
constant temptations around me, I would reap the rewards.
And reaping I am !!
I feel like I've shed parts of the worst of me.
It has been a catalyst for more changes,
a better outlook,
a healthier self-esteem &
a whole stack of new (old) jeans that I can fit into again!
I plan on continuing to make healthier choices from now on.
I worked hard to get to this point.


I allowed myself a scoop of ice-cream and a bite of brownie
and 3 cookies over the weekend.
I felt the effects almost immediately.
My energy? Gone!
Was it worth it? Heck yeah!  It was a special occasion.
It was also a great reminder of how good it feels without it.

" Failing is easy. If you're climbing a rope,
all you have to do to fall is to let go."
T.D. Jakes



This morning I woke up giddy. I'm in the fifth week of the Autoimmune Health Reset, & yesterday's homework was to fill out an in...