Monday, April 27, 2020


"The uncertainty of our lives reminds us
we're not in control.
We can't Google our way to a solution
or change our circumstances by simply trying harder.
All we can do is trust God is still good,
and He'll use the circumstances in our lives 
to bring about beauty somehow, at some time."

"God uses uncertainty to remodel our hearts.
Don't waste your time
looking for a way our of the difficulty you're in;
look for Him in the midst of it.
He's not the destination we're aiming for.
He's the guide along the path."

Praying you are staying well 
and happy!


Saturday, April 25, 2020


....your own voice
more than you trust the voices of others.
Stay loyal to yourself.

fifteen miles

" If you keep living with confidence, the rest of your life
will unfold exactly as it is meant to.
It won't always be comfortable.
Some will recognize your brave; others won't.
Some will understand and like you; others won't.
But the way others respond to your confidence 
is not your business.
Your business is to stay loyal to you.
That way, you will always know that those who do like 
and love you are really your people.
You'll never be forced to hide or act in order to keep people
if you don't hide or act to get them."

Praying you are safe and well.

Sunday, April 19, 2020


"Somewhere between what she survived,
and who she was becoming,
was exactly where she was meant to be.
She was starting to love the  journey.
And find the comfort in the quiet corners
of her wildest dreams.

They say people don't change...
Well, she wasn't always this way.
Even if she didn't change the entire world,
she would change her part of it.
And she would affect the people she shared it with.

A butterfly whose wings have been touched,
can indeed still fly.
Whether something was meant to be,
or meant to leave,
didn't matter as much anymore.
She would soak up the sun,
kiss the breeze,
and she would fly regardless."

Praying you are safe and well.

Tuesday, April 14, 2020


Walking the fence line, 
listening to the distant thunder and the birds sing.
The smell of rain in the air.
The low hum of hubby's four-wheeler in the distance.

No plans. No expectations. 
Just a day spent at the farm
and enjoying sweet moments like these.

Much love!



" God periodically moves upon his people 
and in their surrounding culture
to achieve his everlasting purposes for that tiny stretch of cosmic time
we call 'human history'.
This usually happens in ways that no one but he
could have planned or foreseen
and in ways that lie far beyond our control or comprehension.

We discover usually after the fact, 
that a pervasive and powerful shift has occurred."

~Dallas Willard~

Praying you are safe and well.

Monday, April 6, 2020


" He talks through burning bushes and braying donkeys;
he sends messages through storms and rainbows
and earthquakes and dreams,
he whispers in a still small voice.

these two, and a game of fetch in the backyard

a random get together in the backyard

yellow finches greeting me at my window in the morning

horse sneezes... a patch of white flowers....


old farm equipment repurposed 

He speaks in ordinary things like 
cooking and small talk,
through storytelling, fishing,
tending animals and sweet corn and flowers,
through sports, music, and books,
raising kids-all the places where the gravy soaks in 
and grace shines through."

Praying everyone is well.
Stay safe.


Thankful, Grateful, Blessed

I am heading back home today...  feeling like one of those little glow sticks that you snap, and then they're filled with light. I am so...