Tuesday, July 31, 2018


"Life--how curious is that habit that makes us
think it is not here, but elsewhere."

Simplicity has been a serious ideal for this gal.
It's all about less.
Less noise.
Less consuming.
Less worry.
Less complaining.
Less social media.
Less of the things that zap my energy.
More life experiences.
 More of the simple pleasures.
More time doing what I love...
and being with the people I care about.

Hugs and love ! 💖

Monday, July 16, 2018


" You can't relive the days you've lost, 
so treasure them every day you wake up.
As in all things,
there must be a balance in life.

Enjoy your work, but enjoy your time with your family
and enjoy time alone when you need to.
God will not frown on it. "

Sometimes I need to adjust my life to fit my needs.
Find my balance.
You know. Keep things....
simple. 😉

*Hugs & love ! 💖

Friday, July 6, 2018


" 'Love one another.'  What is simple often isn't easy;
what is easy often doesn't last."

caught out in the rain
sneaking off to the lake
Wonders of Wildlife Aquarium
picnic on our float
coffee with a view
i dig you
making things together
living room picnic...cause baby it's HOT outside.
fireworks with you

And last we will.
Hubby.... Me and you.  
It hasn't been easy.
I know your crazy about me.
And I know sometimes you are crazy because of me. ;)

Thank you for having rose colored glasses sometimes.
Sometimes that is all I need.

And just for the record....I'm crazy about you too !
May we have many more years of crazy together!
I love doing life with you.

Hugs & Love 💖


This morning I woke up giddy. I'm in the fifth week of the Autoimmune Health Reset, & yesterday's homework was to fill out an in...