Tuesday, December 11, 2018


The weather has been fabulous the last couple of days.
So I am trying to finish this real quick, so I can go clean a garage or something ! :)
I had the second treatment on my leg,
It wasn't bad at all.  We actually all giggled a bit
about getting woozy over things.
My Dr. used to be a fainter too.
I go back tomorrow for an ultrasound .
I'll keep you posted.

This morning I was standing at the kitchen door with my coffee,
watching Scotty chasing shadows,
and Ollie chasing Scotty.

Then Ollie jumped up in the chair
to take a little time out
[and to avoid getting run over].
So I grabbed my camera.

I also have a sweet little story that I read...
it has stuck with me,
it's too good not to share !!!
So I am sharing it with you !! ๐Ÿ’

" There was a lovely woman who walks to a stream many miles away,
fills her two clay pots with water,
and carries them back to her house,
dangling each pot from either side of a long stick
 that she drapes across her shoulders.
When she arrives home each day with the water,
one of the pots is full,
and one is half empty.
The half-empty pot is all sad
 and feels like a big fat loser because it has a crack in it,
and it beats itself up for wasting water,
for doing a bad job,
for not being as perfect or effective as the crack-free pot.

It tells the woman how ashamed it is,
but the woman thinks the pot is doing a fabulous job
and tells it how the world is a better place 
because of it's crack.
She explains that the path to the stream 
that she's walked every day for two years
now has a stunning line of flowers growing along one side,
thanks to the water that's dripped out of the pot.
She tells the pot how much joy these flowers bring her
every time she sees them
 and how they would never have been able to grow
without the crack in the pot.
She reminds the cracked pot that the side of the path
with the flowers is full of life and color and bees and birds."

I. Love. It. !!!

I am grateful for the reminder,
that God can take our flaws and cracks, 
and use them to create something beautiful !!๐Ÿ˜Š

Love and hugs !!๐Ÿ’—

Friday, December 7, 2018


When hubby comes in, and I am snuggled in my chair reading,
and he hugs me around the neck and says,
" Today I am going to take care of my girl."

Because something was on the agenda, that I was a little 
nervous about. 
And they recommended I take a Valium.
Which added to my angst.

And hubby's words were a comfort.
And Brandon meeting us afterwards for lunch.๐Ÿ’•
I know... I look a little dopey.
That's because I was !

Because yesterday.... Ablation surgery happened.
Those of  you who know me , have seen this leg before.
I have had these varicose veins as long as I can remember.
I had them examined this year, 
and they found reflux in the vein. 
It can become very painful.
So I had the procedure to eliminate the problem.
For me...it was a cringey experience.
[I don't do needles well]
I almost fainted.
*side note* It doesn't take much to make me faint.
*note* grateful for Valium.
I'll leave it at that.

It's been over 24 hours.
I feel good , and so does my leg!
 Now I am waiting for hubby to get home,
so I can remove the bandages.
Just in case I faint. ๐Ÿ˜‰

Love and hugs!! ๐Ÿ’—

P.S.  I'll let you know how it all turns out.

Wednesday, December 5, 2018


Gary had to work the Sale Barn one evening.
So I sent out a few text messages.
Changed into my PJ's.
Popped popcorn on the stove.
Turned on the Christmas music...
and then poured myself a glass of wine.

Friends gathered in the living room,
 twinkle lights & laughter.
And a couple of hours reserved just for us !
This is my definition of holiday happiness.

And Sale Barn night ?
It might just become a thing. ๐Ÿ˜‰

" A sweet friendship
refreshes the soul."

Love & hugs !!๐Ÿ’—๐Ÿ’—

Thursday, November 29, 2018


This morning I sat in Gary's recliner,
staring at the Christmas tree with it's twinkle lights,
and hand-made snowflakes, the ones Brandon and I made...
[thirteen years ago , on our very first Christmas that it was just the two of us.]
I was feeling very tired,
sore from yesterdays PT. 
Plus... I had already started being too hard on myself,
 for not jumping out of bed with tons of gratitude,
 singing "Oh Happy day!"....
or even just the simple act of jumping out of bed !

I said my morning prayer.
Sipped coffee from my big smiley face mug.
Wrote more than usual in my journal.
Read scriptures in the Bible,
then picked up my devotional.
Then another.
And another.
Jotting down words in my journal as I read.
Words that were sinking into my soul,
 like little drops of peace.
Until the *slap* !

" A pervasive and exaggerated fear of ambition
can become an excuse for complacency."

Why did that feel like a slap?
Well, maybe... because I feel like doing things or sharing things,
 and I don't. In fear of judgment?
Maybe because I can look back,
at the hardest things I've had to do in life,
and KNOW that with out a doubt, God has hovered
over me and given me the strength I have needed, and
the direction that was best for me.
But fear that if I share my stories with too many, I will witness eye rolls and doubt...
and feel the sting of rejection?
 I sit here...knowing I would NOT be where I am today...
curled up in hubby's recliner, coffee in hand, staring at the tree...
healthy ,
& feeling a little sorry for myself๐Ÿ˜‰....
if I had not been including God in my plans along the way.
I know, that this would not have been a teeny, tiny, fleck-of-dust possible!!
[I mean seriously ....I raised a son mostly on my own & then married my Vet. The guy we used to call "Marlboro man" ? !]
I couldn't even get out of bed this morning 
with out a little prayer, and His help !
So maybe I need to worry less about what others think, 
and focus more on giving God the praise.
Share my thoughts, even if it leaves me a little vulnerable.
fear likes to keeps us small.

This mornings motivation:

"Be set free:
It's not a sin to want to be the best at what you do.
It's okay for you to want to achieve as much as you can with your life
for the sake of God who gave it to you.
I sincerely doubt God is going to look at you at the end of your life
and say, " You did too much for me."
But I do sincerely believe that God is going to look at many people
and say, " You were too falsely  humble for your own good
and for the good of countless people you could have
impacted if you'd had a little more ambition."

Let's all be more ambitious! 

Love and Hugs !!๐Ÿ’˜

Tuesday, November 20, 2018


".... a little 'appreciation' sometimes does
quite as much good
as all the conscientious
'bringing up' in the world."

I have a growing appreciation for life's basic experiences.
The pleasure of a simple friendship,
creating something,
helping someone,
reading a good book,
hot soup on the stove,
snuggling a pet [big and small], ๐Ÿ˜Š
laughing with someone I care about,
watching the seasons change....
You know.
The ordinary things.

Love and hugs!!๐Ÿ’–

Tuesday, November 13, 2018


I took off on a mini adventure.
A little time away to refuel my love tank,
slow down, and savor my family.

Home is New York ๐Ÿ’

Home is the faces and places is my. ๐Ÿ’—

Home is Missouri ๐Ÿ’—


home may be, there are so many
ways to appreciate it...
and treasure the ones we love.
Lord knows I am grateful.

Love and Hugs!๐Ÿ’–

Sunday, October 14, 2018


I'm taking a little time out to share a few photos,
and one of my favorite songs as well....
you know...for a little more ooomph!
  I am a little busy right now,
and the words fit my feelings.
And it's just a great song!

And now for a quote to ponder for a moment...๐Ÿ˜Š

" Where a great moment knocks on the door of your life,
it is very often no louder than the beating of your heart,
and it is very easy to miss it."

Love & hugs ๐Ÿ’—


This morning I woke up giddy. I'm in the fifth week of the Autoimmune Health Reset, & yesterday's homework was to fill out an in...