Friday, November 25, 2016


It's the day after Thanksgiving, and if there is such a thing as a 
gratitude hangover....I have it.
I think it is wonderful to have a day to stop...
and take note of all the things we are grateful/ thankful for !
I think we ought to do it on a regular basis.


Sometimes we get too caught up in the busyness of it all...
we try to cram to much into one day...
and we stress about everything being perfect.
We get upset with a family member for being themselves...
or we get down on our selves because we think we have 
fallen short of our own lofty expectations.
I know...therefore I speak. 
at the end of the day...
when you really stop and take it all in...
we see that we are all perfect
in our own fabulous, jacked-up ways.
So lets laugh at ourselves.
Love ourselves & others.
Take delight in the unbelievably good, bad, crazy wonder of it all.
I am thankful and grateful 
for every bit of it.

some of the crazy weird stories that are birthed at Thanksgiving
laughing over inside jokes
Brandon's laugh
Mom being mom
hubby's patience and understanding.
his willingness to try new things.
family being together
that regardless of all the trash we hear....most people are still nice...and kind...and thoughtful.

Happy day after Thanksgiving !!


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