Monday, November 28, 2016


Sometimes I like to try something new...
like getting creative with my coffee
adding flavors and stuff to my brew.
Then I like to take it out on the front porch... 
to sip and relax in my favorite spot.
But truth be known...[ let's be honest here] a non-favorite place  for my coffee...
there is not.

Because...really it's just one of those sacred breaks 
that make it a special moment during my day.
It's all the  little things that take place
in the cherished ritual, and the role that my cup of coffee will play.
coffee rituals
my curious fur-babies
finding a use [tea & coffee] for the sweetened condensed milk I bought for some fudge I 
never made 
flannel shirts
comfy slippers
the scent of homemade soup cooking in the crock-pot
Christmas shows 


Friday, November 25, 2016


It's the day after Thanksgiving, and if there is such a thing as a 
gratitude hangover....I have it.
I think it is wonderful to have a day to stop...
and take note of all the things we are grateful/ thankful for !
I think we ought to do it on a regular basis.


Sometimes we get too caught up in the busyness of it all...
we try to cram to much into one day...
and we stress about everything being perfect.
We get upset with a family member for being themselves...
or we get down on our selves because we think we have 
fallen short of our own lofty expectations.
I know...therefore I speak. 
at the end of the day...
when you really stop and take it all in...
we see that we are all perfect
in our own fabulous, jacked-up ways.
So lets laugh at ourselves.
Love ourselves & others.
Take delight in the unbelievably good, bad, crazy wonder of it all.
I am thankful and grateful 
for every bit of it.

some of the crazy weird stories that are birthed at Thanksgiving
laughing over inside jokes
Brandon's laugh
Mom being mom
hubby's patience and understanding.
his willingness to try new things.
family being together
that regardless of all the trash we hear....most people are still nice...and kind...and thoughtful.

Happy day after Thanksgiving !!


Tuesday, November 22, 2016

Your Beautiful

Definition: A person who is reading this.

I was cleaning out some favorites and files the other day,
and I unearthed this gem.
This one I will keep !
It makes me happy.
I think the world would be a better place
if we all could see, just how beautiful we are!!

" Sometimes people are Beautiful
not in looks
not in what they say...
Just in what they are. "

So go shine and be your

seeing the beauty in everyone. 
when someone sees the beauty in me 
the imperfections of true beauty
a wonderful husband that tells me I'm beautiful every day
this video
the " I'll cut your face " girl. Kinda reminds me of someone. Family perhaps...?! 
getting the lights put on the tree...[it's a start]
chatting and hot chocolate with the neighbor


Sunday, November 20, 2016


Because...we need to take a pause from time to time...

to simply be thankful.

laid back Sundays
cool fresh air
pet cuddles
hubby snuggles
Christmas music
browsing through recipe books
coffee drinks
feeling loved
making a house a home
all the little things...


Friday, November 18, 2016


Sitting here curled up on the couch,
snug under a soft blanket.
The candle is burning...
it crackles as it burns...
it's like a mini fireplace on my table.
The wind is howling outside.
I love that.
Tonight it is cozy.
I have spent a lot of time outside while it has been warm.
It hasn't felt like November.
Until today.

A new basket for my bike. Visions of flowers and books.....
and little escapes dancing in my head.

learning how to sprout  and other healthy pursuits.

I write in my journal....he eats it

a four mile walk 
learning the plants as I go....from a lover of nature...and a dear friend

chasing sunsets....

I have been a little sad.
I have friends & family going through stuff. issues...change.
The bad cards life deals sometimes.
Today I hear of another loss.
It's always so hard...and now with the holidays close...
it just makes it harder.
I hurt in my heart.
I try to stay focused on the things
that make me happy.
Cliche ? Yes.
Effective ?
Well...most days, definitely !
Today it just softens the blow.
Praying for family and friends.

the whistle of the wind
crossing things off of my to-do list
chatting on the phone with girlfriends...real conversation :)
crackling candles
the comfort and power of prayer
those moments [ in nature for me...] that you feel something beyond yourself
girlfriend time
having a basket on my bike
learning things


Monday, November 14, 2016


" Some call it the middle of nowhere.
I call it the center of my world."

There's a new gang of girls in town.
I will call them the Ya Ya sisterhood of bovines !
And they were delivered to come live on the farm this week.
They took the liberty of clearing out the fence and maybe a few gates where they seemed fit.
Because they were scared...
and they are big
and they just freaked out !
You can't really do much about a freaked out bovine...
worse yet...a whole clan of them.
We're pretty grateful we still have fence!
We're also super grateful that we had a gorgeous day to repair the damages. 
And very grateful for hubby's nephew & adorable girlfriend who helped.
 And anytime with hubby being where he loves to be...just makes me happy !
There's little that can beat the tranquility and beautiful simplicity of a day on the farm.
Oh...and the YaYa girls ?
I think they are happy too ! :)

 GORGEOUS Fall afternoons 
laying on a blanket in the grass
hot tea, and a good book
good company
 cowboy boots
watching hubby work with his nephew
following him around with a camera *stealthy*
the clinic hubby's home away from home


Sunday, November 13, 2016


" Tear off the mask.
Your face is glorious."

I swear, my girlfriend Mary is getting younger with the passing years.
We met when I worked as an instructor at the YMCA.
We try to get together often to go cycling.
She shares great tips and advice.
I watch and listen...and I learn.
She changes me by osmosis.
Just hanging around her, makes me better.
We enrich each other.
She is real down to the tips of her toes,
and she encourages me to be better.

This weekend she sent me the recipe for her facial mask.
I mixed up a batch and slathered it on.
LOVED it !
My face felt AMAZING !
I DID wait for hubby to leave for work.
I think the mask would have been
a little disconcerting.
I'd stay away from the littles too...
it's frightening !

2 Tbls. flour
1 Tsp. turmeric
3 Tbls. yogurt [I used organic plain] or milk
a few drops of honey
Apply for10 min. once a week.
BEWARE of hair, clothes, etc. Turmeric stains.
It smells a little not good also...
but honestly...its worth it.

If you try it, let me know what you think !! ;)

friends that make life better
 turmeric [google turmeric]
that hubby let me try it on him too :)
natural remedies
this mask :)


Wednesday, November 9, 2016


" A blessing is anything that's wonderful,
anything that's okay,
or anything that's not as bad as it used to be
or as bad as it might be. "

we're tripping over them all the time.
I believe the more we notice...
the more we see.
Hit pause and notice the blessings that surround you.

the scent of wood smoke filling the air
Oliver turning his nose at graham crackers to cuddle instead
My hoodie that envelopes me in the scent of...
Zum clean laundry detergent in frankincense & myrrh. OMG !!! *addicted
[thank you for introducing it into my life Kim & Dana]
blessings...counting them...noticing them...appreciating them.


Tuesday, November 8, 2016

Election day

I can relate !!
Pretty much spot-on with how I feel
now that all the campaigning is through !
This video made me smile real big !
Happy Election day !

cooler days
dark early = more time with my hubby
my blue cozy blanket
getting rid of some more "stuff" and having space.
some personal items that make home homey-er 
twinkle lights
rice krispy treats
the little spark of holiday spirit that has been ignited
digging out my comfy sweats


Wednesday, November 2, 2016


" In the act of silence you're not waiting for God to make a move.
You're becoming aware of the moves He is making. "

*loving... far.
The Katy Trail
the excitement of seeing things for the first time
how powerful & crazy big the Missouri river is !!
leaf covered trails
trying new healthy recipes 
going that extra mile
girlfriend time
having a hubby that gets up & out early just to fill my gas tank for me :)


February 10, 2025

' Imagine how it would be if the things you love, were the reason for your existence. Think about how your life might change if you were...