Friday, July 29, 2016


" The only limits you have are the limits you believe."

first time out on my kayak...or on any kayak. Ever. :)



me :)

Remember, the future will be what you decide to make it .
Be curious.
Find something that brings you pleasure.
Experiment, and try something new.
Test your limits.
Make it magic. 

impromptu getaways
living near the lake
finally getting to use my Kayak...(a Xmas gift from my dear hubby.... 3 years ago :) )
the people in my life...all of them.
afternoon thunderstorms
sparkle trails
vulnerability and tenderness
the thrill of firsts
perfect moments


P.S...Kim thank you for taking the pictures of me :) *love

Saturday, July 23, 2016


" Be curious, not judgmental."
                                 ~Walt Whitman

I am a sucker for the underdog.
The places and the people, that transition through changes...
that maybe don't look all polished on the outside.
The ones that have struggled.
The ones that did it on their own.
The ones that no matter how tough it gets...
they never give up or stop trying.
I especially love those moments,
when the unlikely underdog comes out ahead.

quonset hut

i love this place !!!! 

he ate burgers here back in the day.. yummy burgers !

we will be back

the look on hubby's face...he looked at me "are you sure about this?"

 Yes !gourmet ??!!  We will not have the lamb. Please & thank you !

Pretty place...prettygirl...lunch was superb

 my littlest underdog

Lately we have been trying some new places...
places that we hesitate to enter because of their appearance.
We have had fun doing it, and have been pleasantly surprised.
Normally the places that look nice, chances are, you will 
have a good experience. t's easy to give them a chance.
when you give the underdog a chance, 
it's more than just an experience.
You remember those moments. 
The little thrill of discovery.
Something the unexpected.
It sparks excitement... and maybe leaves you feeling all good inside..
The underdog won one for itself.
And it makes you happy.
Because at the end of the day...
I think we are all just a bunch of underdogs 
 trying to find our way ahead.

trying new things with my dear hubby
hidden gems
 things that make mt heart perk up
exploring with my girlfriends
lavender lemonade
lavender ice-cream
air-conditioning, air-conditioning, air-conditioning
underdogs...always and forver


Sunday, July 17, 2016


This last week I was tackled.
By a strong, relentless, and oh-so-powerful urge.
It shows up like an old reliable friend.
It is my irresitable urge to purge.
When it shows's both a blessing and a curse.
I get into a mode of reducing, purging and de-cluttering
and I want to get it all done in one fell swoop.
Not much is sacred.


Have I ever mentioned, I don't like clutter ?
Simplifying isn't and hasn't ever been easy.
Sometimes I get attached to things.
However...once I get the urge and into the mode...
I CAN let go of stuff !!

After some long days of purging and donating...
donating and purging...
it is evident , that it will take more than a few purging sessions
to revise our lifestyle.
At this phase of my life....
I just want to hold onto the things
that truly matter to me...
to us. :)
The other stuff is just.... stuff.

 cleaning, purging, simplifying...or at least the end result :)
donating. donating. donating. I can finally let go of the old VHS tapes.
progress. progress. progress.
creating more space


Tuesday, July 12, 2016


"The more often we see the things around us -

 even the beautiful and wonderful things -

 the more they become invisible to us.

 That is why we often take for granted the beauty of this world: 

the flowers, the trees, the birds, the clouds -

 even those we love. 

Because we see things so often, we see them less and less." makes me smile

graffiti :)

I don't ever want to take for granted the everyday miracles.
In a given moment we can be showered with gifts.
I want to see them more and more !!
In our own seemingly mundane life,
we are usually surrounded by beauty...sometimes you have to really look.
Sometimes it's not easy to see.
But it's always there.

simple things
curiosity of a child
ordinary days
people who contribute to my life daily...from customer service to family and friends.
signs of heaven in the mundane things of earth
people being nice
talking to my Dad on the phone about a silly TV program we watch.
Talking to my Dad. Period. :)
My camera helping me catch and store...ALL the little things.


Thursday, July 7, 2016


We celebrated our first anniversary this week.
It's hard to believe !
 This year has passed by in a flash.
Have I ever mentioned how much I love this fella ??

July 4 2015

July 4 2016

I will never stop being amazed by his kindness,
patience and love.
I'm SO thankful every day, that I get to call him my husband  hubby.
AND I *LOVE all that he has added to my life.

fireworks on our anniversary
wedding pictures
having a kid our first year :)
our families, our families, our families...*love


Saturday, July 2, 2016


A long car ride is in between,
but on the other side,
there are all things familiar.
In one place, I have my roots, the place where I started.
The memories.
The sights and scents of my childhood.
My amazing family, childhood friends...
and special new friends.

Sue picking rhubarb to make a pie :)

She is patient. She loves me...or I'd be dead :)

Dad's.  My space at Dad's.

Bash Bish .My favorite place to escape, explore, restore.

My favorite place to escape, relax, connect with my hubby.

Yesterday...making my first strawberry rhubarb ANYTHING....with rhubarb picked by Sue.

My bowl of Bash Bish rocks on my porch

On the other side, I have the place where I have grown,
discovered, battled, flown solo, spread my wings.
The place I discovered who I was.
The place where I started my own family.
Found amazing friends.
Became a part of another incredible family.
In both places I am blessed.
In both places I am loved.
In both places I have SO MUCH to love.
In between the two special places... are miles of memorable road trips with Brandon. Adventures. Conversations.  Tears.
It's ALWAYS hard to leave one behind...
yet, I am so DAM grateful for more than one place to call home.
Don't you just love home ?
It's truly one of the most beautiful words.

connecting both homes
photos that take me back to special snippets in time
new traditions
all things familiar
family, family, family...
friends that have stood the test of time.



This morning I woke up giddy. I'm in the fifth week of the Autoimmune Health Reset, & yesterday's homework was to fill out an in...