Rest = freedom from excessive reasoning,
worry & frustration.
This week I have had to cancel plans
let things go a little more
reach out for help
learn to be OK with that.
Learn how to rest.
I'll spare the details.
Today I looked back through my journal
some of the words I used this week:
Some of the words I used the in the not so distant past:
fog-head, trudging, shame, guilt,
also grateful.
Always grateful.
A cardinal landed,
reminding me to listen closely &
pay attention as I reflect,
recognizing the gifts of this week.
Feeling more aware, less scattered...
and happily content.
With life, with myself, with everything.
Sometimes we focus a whole lot on the wrong things...
& beat ourselves up if we don't.
Try to prove who we are to everyone....
and hopefully to ourselves,
but end up under the bus.
Sometimes a re-set comes in the form of a hard-ship.
In slowing down.
In listening more closely to our inner voice.
Allowing our bodies to rest,
letting go of expectations, along with
the guilt & shame of allowing ourselves to do less.
Sometimes we need a reminder that we are human,
vulnerable, weak,
and accept those moments
and find the lessons in them.
~gifts of the storm~
Love and Hugs !! 💗