Wednesday, August 30, 2017


I married into a family, that gave me a sister.
Her husband recently passed away, and she has returned home to lay him to rest.
I love that she asked to stay with us.
For a week we have shared our stories our hearts, and our love for God.

sister-in-law Joy

I wish it hadn't taken something so sad
to get this time with her...
but so thankful that we had it.
I have SO appreciated her positive attitude, and her strength.
I admire, the way she makes time for the people she loves,
and her way of letting the people she loves know,
WITHOUT A DOUBT how much they mean to her.
This time has filled me with love, hope, and a certainty
that life IS truly what we make it.
She is an inspiration...
and a Joy. :)
[Love you Joy !]

I hope that you are having a great week...
and know...without a doubt,
that  you are loved too !


Sunday, August 27, 2017


Because..." we need much less than we think
we think we need."

When I have less, it feels like more.
When I put space in my life, 
I live it more fully.
When I live life more fully...
it nourishes my spirit.


Friday, August 25, 2017


Because...he lost his first baby tooth,
and we are having a moment.

They grow up so fast, don't they ? ;)

Happy weekend !!


Tuesday, August 22, 2017


Because... I knocked the hummingbird feeder, which drenched me in sugar water.
I tripped over the goat and was floundering in the grass when the postman delivered the mail.
And did not get a good picture of the eclipse.
[fearful my retinas would suffer next]

Crispy sugar drenched hair ? Scraped knuckles and hurt pride ?
My peeps ?
It was a heck of a day! 
I'll take it.


Monday, August 21, 2017


Because...hubby unexpectedly suggests
I go out on my kayak.
It was just what I wanted...
but I didn't think kayaking alone,
would be much fun.
Sometimes I like being wrong.

I love how he knows what makes me smile.

Here's to things that make us happy !!


Sunday, August 20, 2017


Because...the trails were a bit hot...
it's the weekend. So cycling, good vibes,
and lake views only please.

The best part of getting away with friends ??
You come home fuller, with more love to give.

Hope your heart is feeling full today !!


Friday, August 18, 2017


Because...we've both been a little blah lately.
I am pretty sure part of it is...
we were missing our time on the farm.
So yesterday, we decided to take a little ride on the four-wheeler.
I had hub's drop me off [to give him a little more leg room]
 while he rode around to check his fences and check on the herd.
 I found a nice little spot in the grass to settle on...
 and spent some quality time visiting with the mama's and their babes.

During that time all my worries
just simply seem to fade.
There is something about being there in the moment...
 where I can sit and feel a sense of peace and calm.
 Where I can reconnect with my still, small, inner voice again.
The voice that was being drowned out by all the "must-do's"
"should-do's" and the "have-to's".
Taking a little time to escape to the farm...
 was like hitting a much needed *reset* button for my soul.
Hopefully it hit one on hubby's too. :)

Hope your weekend finds you happy and content !!!


Thursday, August 10, 2017


the bumble bee shouldn't be able to fly,
but the bumble bee doesn't know it so...
it goes on flying anyway."

I hope you bee well :)
Bee sweet ! 
 Happy weekend !!


Sunday, August 6, 2017


Life is sometimes complicated,
and things can get a little mazy.
But a nice walk outdoors...
usually keeps me from going crazy.

To get out with the trees, birds and flowers to clear my mind...
 and to take a short break from the daily grind.
Appreciating the beauty as I step outside...
wraps me in peace that only Nature provides.
I start to feel quiet, calm and unweighted...
enjoying the wonderful things that God created.

I hope you have a beautiful week !! :)


Thursday, August 3, 2017


Because....I was in the mood for something
Have you ever found yourself wishing...
there was something like brownies or some cookies in the house ?
I do...but I also know, that if there were...
I wouldn't stop munching on them till they were gone.
[ask hubby what happens when I get out his box of vanilla wafers]
I have bad impulse control when it comes to sweets.
So I TRY to keep them out of the house.
Except for the aforementioned wafers...
and Dove Chocolates for me.
I am only human.

I had a craving the other night for something
...and it wasn't just a piece of chocolate.
Oh no. I wanted to indulge !!
So I tired this little recipe I had tucked away. [SUPER EASY]
[*temptation're welcome !]


4 TBS. Flour
4 TBS. Sugar
2 TBS. Cocoa
2 TBS. veg, oil
2 TBS. water
pinch of salt
Stir well in a mug
Microwave 1 minute. [gooey-ish]
I did mine for 1 1/2 min.
The recipe also said you can sprinkle chocolate chips on top...
I didn't.
I sprinkled Vanilla ice-cream on top !! :)

It. Is. Yummy.
There is plenty to share...and I did.
Hubby had a couple of bites...
and that was enough.
Not because I wanted to hog it all.
He's just not that into sweets.
Which works out well for me !

Have a sweet day !!



This morning I woke up giddy. I'm in the fifth week of the Autoimmune Health Reset, & yesterday's homework was to fill out an in...