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This morning I started getting up at 5 again. I hit day 800 on learning Spanish (which started as Swedish). Hubby and I finally made it to our granddaughter's soccer game. (she scored:)  I've completed day 13 of a 21 day arm workout,  and finished my 21st. week of the health coaching course. I still love the heck out of it!! Yesterday, I got a little wonky and overwhelmed on a microbiome/Ayurvedic eating plan, but re-righted myself. I've been on it for 2 weeks. My blood sugar is 95-110 (was 126 or higher) and I've lost 6 lbs. The former was the reason to start in the first place, the latter was a bonus.  I also connected with a sweet girl who reached out to be coached by me as soon as I am ready. Hubby is getting around better. Still tender. Still recovering. I've been taking breaks from technology as much as possible. I want to spend my time doing more fulfilling things like reading books, and lounging on the porch listening to the birds while sipping my tea. Worki

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